Jesus Handed Over to Pilate
The Chief priest were accusing Jesus of many things but He didn’t defend Himself. Jesus was meant to be crucified, but its interesting how Pilot was convinced there was nothing wrong with Jesus that deserved death. But the Chief priests wanted Him dead so badly that they persuaded a crowd of people to want Him dead. When asked what evil He did, neither the Jewish Rulers nor the crowd could give an answer. Jesus was challenging them in the ways they thought they were ‘of God.” Jesus did nothing wrong. They were so righteous in their own eyes they didn’t see the Savior in front of them. Jesus’ presence and teachings were messing with their money and everything they’d established for themselves.
Jesus and Barabbas
Barabas was a criminal and the crowd asked for him to be released instead of Jesus the innocent.
The Soldiers Mock Jesus
You see the heart of others in the awful way they treat people. You can see how the heart of man can be so blind. You see there is no love for another human being. Looking beyond the person, you see the adversary in his hatred getting to wail on the Son of God. Even what Satan intended for evil God had a different story.
Jesus’ humility keeps coming up. Its something to marvel at and take in. If this was one of us, we’d surely be fighting back to defend and save ourselves. Isaiah prophesied having looked into the feature that He wouldn’t fight back. He fully committed Himself to God. He is the ultimate model of humility.
Reading His passion allows you to come closer to Jesus in a whole new way. He willingly gave Himself to suffer for us so that He could have us; so that we can know who our God is.
The Death of Jesus
Jesus came into the world for this purpose: to die. Dying as an innocent person. His life in exchange for all the lives of every person who had ever or would ever live. The veil in the temple was torn to the Holy of Holies. No one was able to go into the Holy of Holies except the High Priest and at that only once a year. Now, anyone was permitted to go into that most sacred place before the Father, because the sinless blood of Jesus was spilled and atoned for the sins of humanity.
Jesus’ Burial
Joseph of Arimathea was waiting for the Kingdom of God and was a lover and disciple of Jesus. To buy fine linen to wrap Jesus’ body in was an incredible act of love toward Him, giving Him dignity in having a proper burial.
- Don’t choose sin over salvation, 12-13
- There is a day when we all must be buried, 46
- Jesus became a curse so He could remove the curse, 17, 24*
- The truth will defend itself, 4-5
- Even though they may mock you maintain your walk, 31
- What once was for the priest is a place where we can all meet, 38
- He was forsaken that we may be found, 34
- You must bear your cross so your soul won’t be lost, 21
- Don’t let anything stop His will from being fulfilled in your life, 28
- Would you help Jesus in His suffering? 21*
- Anticipate God’s Kingdom Realm in the Earth, 43*