Category Archives: The Gospel of Matthew

Matthew Chapter 23

Who Was Matthew in the Bible?

The name Matthew means “given; a reward.” He was an apostle and evangelist, Son of Alpheus, a Galilean by birth, a Jew by religion and a publican and tax collector by profession (Mark 14, Luke 5:27, Matthew 9:9). He was called by other evangelists by his Hebrew name Levi, but always called himself Matthew.

Superficial Spirituality versus Genuine Humility

The Scribes & Pharisees exalt themselves and want honor and recognition for their position and standing as religious leaders. They make a boast about themselves in the way they wear their religious garments, they way they carry themselves in high minded arrogance, so they can appear to be someone before people and in the way the deem to be scholars of the Law of Moses. Yet their hearts are very hard toward actually following the heart of the law: to display love toward God and love toward your neighbor.

The Religious leaders were just like their ancestors the Children of Israel who in the desert, hardened their hearts toward God. Verse 37 is a perfect picture of the Father in that He will not tolerate sin, though He is merciful. He gave the Religious leaders and their ancestors time after time, wanting to renew them to Himself, but they were so hard-hearted that they refused. His mercy endures, but one must give account of their persistent, willful sin.

These prideful ideas have blinded the religious leaders who think they are capable, worthy guides of people they consider to be blind. True humility is not wanting to be exalted before others; true humility is wanting to be servant of others.

  1. Not to be prideful
  2. Make sure your walk matches your talk
  3. Value the gift over the house its in
  4. Persistent sin will be your end
  5. Self-righteous sin is bred within
  6. The ill words you say will grow in a bad way
  7. In order to be an example you must first examine your heart

Matthew 22

Parable of the Wedding Feast

As was His custom, Jesus teaches using parables and gives such a parable about a wedding feast. There were those who were invited to the celebration, but were too preoccupied with their own lives that they devalued its great importance. These represent individuals in the Church who know better but don’t want obey. When the King sent them summons to the festivities, some murdered the messengers. These also represent the Israelite people who were already on the guest list to be invited to partake of the Kingdom of Heaven. They took it lightly and they were not worthy. As a result, the King sends for bad and good to come in to the wedding. Many gentiles were called. However, those weren’t willing to come cleanly and properly with the correct wedding garment to celebrate so they weren’t chosen to remain as a honored guests. They were instead thrown out.

The Pharisees Try to Entrap Jesus

Those who tried to trap Jesus are rebutted in truth by Jesus. But Jesus supernaturally knows their cunning scheme. They want to entrap Him by causing Him to say something against the governing authorities. But Jesus encourages us to give to the government what they require, but give to God all that He requires of us. We have an obligation to do what is required of the government we live in, but an even great obligation to give to God of ourselves what is due him, because we were created in His image.

Marriage and the Resurrection

The Sadducees took what the Old Testament said about providing an heir for a deceased relative out of context to support their doctrinal tradition about Resurrection. Even then people were grossly misappropriating the scriptures to support their opinions. But Jesus said their observations were not according to scripture nor were they interpreted through the power of God.

The Greatest Commandment

When the Pharisees saw that Jesus had shut the Sadducees down, they decided to take a turn at trying to test him by asking what the greatest of all the commandments was. Jesus summed all the Law and the Prophets up in one word: love. Loving God with every passion of the heart, all the energy of the being and with every thought within is the 1st and the 2nd is like it: love your neighbor the same way you’d love yourself.


  1. Do not neglect the call of Christ (1-13)
  2. Be prepared for your calling (1-13)
  3. Whose image is on your heart (20-22)
  4. Serve Christ with a willing heart (3, 6)
  5. There is an open place at the table of mercy (9)
  6. Understanding scripture is by the power of God (29)
  7. Don’t take light the calling of Christ (5)

Matthew 21

Jesus Entering Jerusalem

Jesus comes into Jerusalem riding on a lowly donkey. The people were welcoming His entry into Jerusalem with enthusiasm. According to a commentary by a Pastor, this event was actually rehearsed among the people for years and years and years. It was done as an annual rehearsal which was actually coming true in their day and time. They didn’t realize they were fulfilling a prophecy. We can get caught up in “tradition,” that we miss Jesus’ presence.

Jesus in the Temple

Whilst in the Temple, Jesus ran people out who were stealing from folks and as the crippled and blind came into the temple courts, Jesus began healing folks. Later in the village of Bethany, Jesus displayed His mighty authority over creation by cursing a fig tree which instantly withered away. The disciples were astonished at how quickly the tree became degenerative. Jesus explained that if a person has undoubted faith, they could do the same. Everything we pray for with the fullness of faith we’ll receive!

Parable of Two Sons

Harlots and publicans are compared to the 1st son in the parable who denied his father but had remorse about his wayward heart and repented, thus obeyed his father. The chief priests and elders are compared to the second son in the parable, who thought he was ok with telling a lie and being disobedient. His heart was unchanged and corrupted by selfishness and he had no remorse about his actions.

Parable of the Rejected Son

The parable of the rejected son illustrates that those crooked tenants of the vineyard were the Pharisees and scholars who had murderous, greedy, and lust filled hearts. They were in place of keeping God’s precious vineyard, but they despised God by not representing His true character of acceptance. So God is going to give their inheritance of the Kingdom of God’s vineyard to those who will accept it with open hearts and faithful tend to it. Can we be good stewards over Gods people, or the ministry He’s given us to do?

Jesus is the stone, the corner stone which was rejected has become the most important stone. The one who comes against the stone will be broken but the one on whom it falls will be pulverized.


  • Be careful and be aware because Jesus is near (7)
  • Fail not to pay your promise to God (28)
  • Don’t allow tradition to keep you from God’s mission (1-11)
  • Repent while you have a chance (28-32)
  • Faith will make the impossible possible (23-27)
  • Faithful over God’s vineyard (33-41)
  • If you can’t meet Jesus’ way then pray (19)

Matthew 20

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

The labourers who worked longer feel as though they are entitled to more based on what “they,” thought they deserved. Often times as believers, we have the same mentality. Its important for us to check our hearts and uncover the real motive behind our mentalities. Your reward is the same as any other Christian who may be new in the faith compared to you who may have worked in the vineyard of the Gospel for numerous years.

Were the labours justified to feel slighted? No. Because the landowner agreed to pay them for the work done, not the time it took to do the work. In the Church this mentality of entitlement is apparent in the sense of position because of the “work” they’ve done. They aren’t working with the intent to love God or His people but a hidden motive. You don’t come to Church for opportunities, but to be saved and grow in holiness.

The race to gain the Kingdom of Heaven is not to the swift or to the strong, but the one who endures to the end. The last are first and the first are last. Peoples intents are skewed over a period of time because they look at their accomplishments and the toil it took to attain said accomplishments. People lean on their own opinions of what’s fair. People compare themselves to others.

We are all in this race of to win Christ together. Some labour longer, others don’t. Each of us has a calling and job to do to fulfill Jesus’ desires. But what is most important to the landowner/Jesus is the heart of each worker to do the work cheerfully. Many are called to do the work, but because they seek comparison with others and depend on their own understanding and become embittered by jealously, they disqualify themselves from being chosen. Many who push themselves to be first will be last and those willing to be last will be made first.

The Ambition of James & John & Disciples Jealousy

In the faith we ask Jesus sometimes things we want of Him, but we’re not willing to make sacrifices to obtain it. John and James didn’t understand the suffering Jesus was about to endure through His death. Their mother saw the glamour and prestige of ruler ship. Suffering always comes before the glory. Don’t ask for something you’re not willing to pay the price for.

The other 10 disciples became jealous and Jesus explained to them a better way. He said we are not to rule over each other oppressively and as tyrants, but become each others servants so that the universal quality of equality will naturally work itself out among us. Jesus set an example when He came to serve and to give, giving his life to save many.

Two Blind Men Healed

The blind men defied other people’s rebuke of them because they wanted to be healed. If we persist and cry out to the Lord, Jesus will come to us. In the aspect of spreading the Gospel and making Jesus name famous, we as Christians need to be as the blind men and persist in showing people the heart of Jesus and not religion, rules or regulations.


  • Count the cost for your soul will be lost (20-23)
  • Persist and you won’t miss your healing miracle (29-34)
  • Work in the vineyard with
  • Don’t judge kingdom matters with worldly standards (1-16)
  • The Baptism in Christ comes with sacrifice (23)
  • Entitlements can corrupt the heart (1-16)

Matthew 19

This chapter begins with Jesus healing multitudes who were sick. The Pharisees were hoping to trap him by asking difficult questions, namely about divorce.

Questions about Divorce

Jesus was intent on outlining the fact that God made us male and female from the beginning of creation and a man is to leave his parents and be with his wife, becoming one and should not be divided. In marriage, if you’ve joined yourself to another person of your own will, you’ve walked out of God’s will & will enter into His judgement and the marriage is not blessed, and nothing good will come of it. Its important to note that if we want to do the deeds of marriage we must be willing to sign a contract of marriage and be joined to only one person, male with female.

Jesus and Little Children

Jesus said that the Kingdom is comprised of little children like the ones whom people were bringing to Him. He scolded his disciples when they tried to deny the children from coming. Further, the statement in Matthew 18:3 that no one can enter the kingdom unless they adopt the mentality of a teachable child is a sobering reminder of how Jesus wants us to be as Children of our Heavenly Father.

The Rich Young Man

The young man wanted assurance of eternal life, so he asked Jesus what he had to do to obtain it. Jesus told him to keep the commandments which the young man was proud to proclaim he done since a little boy. However, we find that the young man lacked one thing: selflessness. He wasn’t willing to give up his life and comforts. He didn’t want to get rid of everything for the sake of following Jesus, and so he lost everything. His response to what Jesus said is a reflection of what was in his heart: selfishness.

Giving up your all for Jesus in this life yields a great reward in the afterlife to come. This world is very temporary and the life that we live now determines what reward we’ll have for our eternity. Those in this life who posture themselves to be great in the eyes of the world will be last in the Kingdom. Those in this life who’ve postured themselves to be humble and least in this world will be first in the Kingdom.


  • Stay away from that lust; there won’t be any fuss. (2 Cor 7:9)
  • If you’re not willing to give up anything, you’ll loose everything. (21-22)
  • Marry don’t act contrary (4)
  • The impossible is possible with God (26)
  • God gives grace to be chaste (12)
  • God’s mate will be your perfect date (6)
  • Forsake all in Jesus name, it won’t be in vain (29-30)