Category Archives: The Gospel of Matthew

Matthew Chapter 8

Massive crowds followed Jesus as He came from the mount where He preached and taught about the Kingdom of God with authority. Many miracles and wonders would happen next.

Jesus Heals a Leper

The leprous man said, “Lord if you will, you can make me clean.” Jesus responds, “I will. Be clean,” and it happens in an instant! Jesus admonishes him to tell know one, but instead to give the proper offering to the priests, according to the Law of Moses, as a testimony to them. Although Jesus said tell no one, the priest would know without doubt by his examination of the former leper that he indeed was cleansed.

Jesus Heals the Servant of a Roman Officer

This centurion came to Jesus, pleading for Him to heal his paralyzed servant. When Jesus was ready to journey with the centurion to see the servant, the centurion stopped Him and proclaimed the most inspiring words of faith: “but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” Jesus sent His word and healed (Psalm 107:20). The centurion who was a man of authority, knew the power of a word spoke in authority. We today have the authority of Jesus Himself because Holy Ghost lives inside of us, and we can speak those things that are not as the were (Romans 4:17) coupled with faith, sending, in His Name, words of healing for the sick.

Jesus Heals Everyone in Capernaum

Jesus heals a person with fever, those who were demonized, and healed everyone who was sick! In doing this Jesus fullfilled Isaiah’s prophecy: “Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows…” (Isaiah 53:4).

Because of the crowds and His miracles, two men proclaimed to Him that they’d follow Him wherever He went. But Jesus made known that there is a price to pay for doing so which will require you to give up this world, but inherit heavenly blessing.

Jesus Calms a Storm

Jesus crosses to the other side of the lake with His disciples and suddenly a storm came which jeopardized their safety. Yet Jesus was sound asleep during it all and the disciples woke Him, fearful of their lives. Jesus admonishes them that they have such small faith, then He, with all authority, speaks to the storm and commands it to calm. It seems Jesus is teaching His disciples that faith is the root that feeds great miracles.

Jesus Sets Free Two Demonized Men

Getting to their destination, Jesus was met with two violent, demonized men who lived among the tombs of a cemetery. The demons inside of them recognized who Jesus was and threw the men down shouting, “What have we to do with You, Jesus, Son of God? Are you come here to torment us before the time?” The devils knew they’d be cast out of the men and they requested to be cast into a nearby herd of swine. With a word Jesus casts the demons out and they went into the pigs which stampeded down a hill into the sea.


  1. Faith
  2. Walk in authority
  3. Be a true follower without question

Matthew Chapter 7

Jesus continues with His sermon on the mount.

Do Not Judge

Don’t be critical and judgmental toward others. If you are, the same judgmental and critical measures you’ve used against others will be used against you. Don’t focus on other people’s flaws, but rather address your own. Come to terms with your own flaws, then you will see how to help others in their shortcomings.

Don’t give holy, spiritual truths to those who have closed ears and hearts, or they will not appreciate it.

If we being imperfect know how to take care of our own children with love and care, how much more will the Father of perfection take care of those who ask of Him? He will give good things to those who ask, who seek and persist.

The Golden Rule

Treat others in the exact way you’d want to be treated. This is the heart of the Law of Moses and the character of the Prophets.

The Narrow Gate

God can only be found on the narrow path which leads to life eternal. The broad path everyone walks on and it leads to destruction.

False Prophets

Be on guard against false prophets. You can spot them by their actions, for their fruit will be phony and disingenuous. You will know what type of tree you stand before by the fruit you see upon it. Healthy trees produces fresh, good fruit, but bad trees produce rotten, disgusting fruit and they deserve to be cut down.

Jesus Warns of Pretenders

You can prophecy in Jesus name, cast out demons in Jesus name, and do miracles in His name, for the grace-gifts are given without repentance and irrevocable (Romans 11:29). Yet if you don’t know intimately the One you say you proclaim nor have a true heart to do the will of the Father, you’re works are considered iniquity and you’re disqualified from eternal life.

Jesus Finishes the Sermon on the Mount

The people who heard His words were astonished, for He spoke with complete authority unlike the religious scholars.


  1. Don’t be judgmental
  2. Speak persistent prayers
  3. Be careful who you share your gifts with
  4. Give nothing of God to the world
  5. Walk in Godly discernment
  6. The truth has no misunderstanding
  7. Don’t value the gifts over the gift-giver
  8. Be a doer of Jesus’ teachings
  9. Teach with the authority Christ gives

Matthew Chapter 6

Giving with Pure Motives 1-4

Continuing with His sermon on the mount, Jesus teaches about heart motives. When you give, give with a true heart to help, not to receive praises and accolades from men.

Prayer 5-15

Even when you pray, your intent and heart motive should be pure, sincere and sure. We should not pray eloquently to be praise by those who may hear us. Every petition and supplication we take to God should be pure because God knows everything we have need of before we even ask. Jesus gives us the perfect way to pray and admonishes us while praying to forgive others so that God can forgive us.

Fasting 16-18

Fasting should be done with a heart motive of sincerity. Don’t display to others that you are fasting by looking sad and famished, but look bright and chipper as though you aren’t fasting at all. Let your fasting be between you and God.

Treasures in Heaven 19-24

Let your every treasure be in a place perfect and incorruptible. Set your heart on things in Heaven which are perfect, not on the material wealth of this Earth which rusts, decays and looses value. Let your eye be single, like that of a dove, only focusing on what is good and full of light.

Don’t Worry 25-34

Everything that is needed to live in daily life will be provided effortlessly; clothing, food, shelter; These things are considered less important compared to God’s Kingdom. If we seek His Kingdom first which is the highest of all, then all of the things necessary to life God will freely give in abundance, as He is a faithful provider.


  1. God’s got you when He’s in you
  2. Check your motives
  3. Forgive others before God will hear you
  4. Where is your heart seated
  5. The light in you tells others your heart
  6. How many masters do you have
  7. Do thy deeds with humility
  8. Value the secret place

Matthew Chapter 5

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount 1-16

Jesus was masterful at teaching the crowds. Verses 3-12 are considered the 9 beatitudes with each beginning containing a pronouncement of blessing following statements of encouragement. They each have their root in doing that which is right and being mindful of the intent and motive of the heart while doing it.

Living “rightly,” before others is like shining light on their dark ways, which hopefully will cause them to turn to the light and live rightly.

Fulfillment of the Law 17-20

Jesus has come to bring to perfection the Law of Moses and fulfill it.

Anger 21-26

The motive of the heart is very significant to God. Committing an act, whether good or bad starts in the heart and the inner most thoughts. Anger is comparable to the act of murder. Belittling insulting and even cursing other believers warrants severe judgement.

Adultery 27-31

Lusting after someone with sensuous motives is comparable to committing adultery. Again, its all a matter of the intents of the heart and even the inner most thoughts of the soul. Whatever causes you to sin, get rid of it right away for it has a huge impact on the scope of where you’ll spend your eternity.

Making Oaths 33-42

Don’t bind yourself to anything at all. Just say yes or no as a response to a question.

Love Your Enemies 43-48

Love your enemies and bless those who curse you and do something good to those who hate you. These are actions that are against out first instincts, but Jesus was trying to tell us what characteristics determine if one really belongs to the Father in Heaven. We should be as Him, because He is merciful to those who do good and those who do bad.


  1. Let your light shine don’t hide (verse 16)
  2. Live, walk and teach the law (verse 20)
  3. Deal with your issues (verse 29-30)
  4. Sin is committed first in the heart (verse 28)
  5. Don’t be ashamed to praise His name (verse 12)
  6. Don’t swear (verse 34)
  7. Be not partial in love (verse 44-48)
  8. Don’t make an oath you can’t keep (33)
  9. Be quick to reconcile offenses (24)