Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Realm
The writer makes it known that Jesus went through many cities and villages not only with the 12 men He discipled, but with women as well, women who were healed of diseases and had demons cast out of them. Be careful about who you are around. They can devour you, water you or just not care. Choose to be around someone, but if you remain alone, you will wither without fellowship.
The Revelation Light
People whom we interact with daily in our lives can be compared to these “soils” that are conditions of the heart. For the Word of God as seed to fall on good grown and bear much fruit, there must be patience. Yet, in the Church the on demand mentality of the World is prevalent in Jesus body. Patience will produce choice, good fruit. Jesus said take heed therefore how you hear. Don’t just hear, listen, don’t just look, see. Hear and open your heart wide to receive with a teachable spirit.
Peace in the Storm
Jesus asked the disciples, “Where is your faith?” Who is it in? Uncover it and put it in Jesus, the Lord of all things. What is your posture in the midst of anything? If Jesus is allowing the waters of rage and winds to blow, if He’s allowing the ship to get overwhelmed, all it takes is for Jesus to speak one word, and it will subside and cease. Learn to have faith in Him, not in what He can do.
A Demonized Man Set Free
Demons went to Jesus and begged for Him not to torment them. Yet, sometimes, Christians encounter demons and beg the demons not to torment them! We don’t know the One who resides in us. We don’t know His Lordship and power over the Evil Realm.
More Miracles of Healing
Faith is a substance and if you don’t have it, things won’t get done, that is, things you ask the Lord for. With faith, there is almost always a sign of humility of the one displaying the virtue.
- Open wide your spirit to let revelation light flood within, 10
- Light floods the darkness of a teachable heart, 9-10
- Minister to Jesus with a cheerful, giving heart, 3
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions, 9
- What’s your posture during the storm, 23-24
- What kind of steward are you, 10
- Plant yourself in good ground, 15
- Is the seed in you, 11
- The same Christ lives in you, 28
- With what intent do you listen, 18
- Humility proceeds faith, 41
- When you hear the Word of God, walk in it, 21
- Reach for Jesus with a sincere heart, 45