Parable of the Farmer Scattering Seed
This parable speaks to a number of things but what is most prominent is noticing “your circle.” The types of soil can be representative of the type of people you’re around. If you’re surrounded by people who are doing wordly things, eventually you will fall away from the truth and into the world. You have to surround yourself with people who are both lovers of God and living in the truth because then you will grow. The seed sown on stony ground can be compared to Christians whose hearts are hard and filled with self-righteous pride about the scriptures. In short, they think they know it all. The disciples never ceased to ask questions and its amazing that although they had Jesus with them, they still didn’t know God. It speaks to us as believers not having to know it all or be perfect, but simply just follow Jesus.
The Purpose of Parables
The parables weren’t for the 12 but for the multitudes. The 12 had already been given the holy, wonderful, joyous mysteries of the Kingdom of God. But what is holy is not reveled to those that are without because they would not appreciate it. It has to be revealed to them slowly because their minds have been dulled by the cares of life. This parable of the seeds is representative of us as believers who can be deceived or over confident in our walk with God, but having never been tested by trial can become unfruitful and even hard-hearted. How will we know we have true, deep roots in the Word of God if our faith has never been tested? If we endure trials and tests looking toward Jesus as our prize, we will finally have nutrient rich soil for our hearts that the seed of the Word can grow and mature in.
Sometimes its easy to dim your light, especially in this culture where shining in Christ is not applaudable. There is always a chance of compromise. But the light of Jesus overshadows the dark realm of Satan, casting it out completely. You have to shine because that is your nature as a believer in Jesus. Don’t ever be tempted to dim your light. If you sow bountifully into your walk with Christ and into the ministry He’s given you, you will have a fruitful life with Him. At the same token, if you don’t give much care to how you’re planting; if you don’t nurture the crop, then the harvest is going to be miserably sparse.
Parable of the Growing Seed
We are the farmer doing the work, unctioned by the Holy Ghost to preach, to pray, to heal the sick, to cast out demons. However, like the seed that mysteriously spouts on its own in stages of maturity, Holy Ghost is the one who mysteriously does the work to prick hearts when we preach, to move the mountains when we pray, to restore the bodies of the sick when we lay our hands on them, and to give demons the boot when they manifest. We are ministry partners with Jesus and we each have a role to play.
Parable of the Tiny Mustard Seed & the Storm
Jesus mentioned the mustard seed parable and then tested this with the storm that was to ensue. Why were the disciples so fearful? Because they lacked faith. They believed who He was in the midst of all this, but they didn’t see what He was doing in the midst of the storm. The disciples had forgotten who they were with. They were with Him everyday, but they forgot who they were with. The storm was a wake up call; a reality check. The disciples didn’t pay attention to His posture of trust and calm as He slept through the raging, tempestuous storm. They were more concerned with the chaos around them. Jesus, when casting out demons, told them to hold their peace and go. Jesus when calming the storm said peace, be still.
- You need the faith of a mustard seed to succeed, 24
- Be careful where you’re planted, 4-8
- Let your light shine, 21
- Where is your faith in the storm, 40
- Share what Christ has given you, 24
- Though you cannot see, the Kingdom of God will be, 26-32
- The fruit you produce is from the faith you have, 20
- Rest. God brings the increase, 26-27
- Good soil keeps you grounded, 26
- Jesus is the peace in the storm, 39