Jesus Breaks Religious Traditions
The Pharisees and Scribes had a tradition to wash their hands before eating bread and this tradition was so ingrained into their nature, that they passed it off as something of a commandment that had come from God! We know from Jesus admonition of them, that this tradition was not from God and that this tradition caused the Pharisees to look unfavorably in judgment on the disciples. We must be careful that out traditions don’t cause us to treat others without love.
Are traditions good or bad?
If you are holding people to a tradition without allowing others to grow then they are bad. In themselves they aren’t bad. But if they cause you to have control over people or insight judgment of others who don’t participate, if negativity is bred in the situation or puts a rift between you and God then the tradition needs to be reevaluated.
Jesus Explains What Truly Defiles
One of the 10 commandments God gave on mount Sinai was to honor the mother and father that your days be long on the Earth. Part of that obligation is to provide for them whatever was necessary to help them, be that monetarily or with whatever support they needed. The Pharassies and Scribes used a loop whole to get around this obligation by saying that the support that was rightfully due the parents was to be offered to God instead, disqualifying the Son or Daughter from helping their parents. However, the intent behind this would be one of selfishness, greed and injustice. God wants the posture of our hearts to match the goodness of our deeds.
What defiles a person is not what he eats but what comes out of him. We’re dealing with spiritual things and matters of the heart. Whatever we take in in the natural effects our spirit-man. This is why Jesus tells us to guard our hearts. We should guard our eye and ear gates because whatever we listen to and look at will be adsorbed by our hearts and will be birthed within us resulting in us exhibit the characteristics. Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future. You are what you have a constant contact with. You are what you eat.
What areas in your life are you defiling yourself? Are you even aware of them? Are you thinking evil? Do you dwell on that which is sexually immoral? Do you think about gaining wealth to be greedy, do you slander people in your inner most thoughts? Do you think arrogantly and recklessly?
Jesus and a Foreign Woman
Jesus was only going to Jewish people to proclaim the Gospel. However, a woman who was not Jewish came to Jesus for healing for her daughter and Jesus refused to help her. However, when she had faith in Jesus that her daughter could be healed, this moved Jesus. The Jews didn’t associate with non Jewish people, but regardless of this ethnic barrier, this woman’s faith moved Jesus to act on her behalf. Without faith it’s impossible to please God.
Jesus Heals a Deaf Man
Jesus was happy to heal this man, but He did so in a private place, away from the crowds. The way in which He healed was astounding as he put his fingers in the man’s ear and put His saliva on the man’s tongue and then spoke to them both saying “be opened.” Immediately the man was healed and Jesus told him and those around not to tell anyone. However, they publicized it all the more!
- Healing comes with revelation, 25-30
- Don’t let the traditions of men draw you in, 9
- Honor God with your heart and words, 6
- Honor your mother and father, 10
- With Jesus all things are possible, 37
- Don’t loose your head when Jesus gives you that bread, 36
- Clean your heart more than your hands, 3
- Don’t let your worship become a charade, 7
- Hear God clearly, 16
- Evil thoughts clutter the heart, 20-23