Tag Archives: cheat

Did You Ever Grow Up?

1 Corinthians 13:11-12

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

I was thinking about when I was child, I did some crazy things. Did you ever tempt fate? Tempt life and death? When you look back when you were in your teens and preteens; the peer group pressure? Do you remember things like selfishness; lies? It was easy to tell a lie when you were young, but you really didn’t know what a lie was. You remember being a thief? “Don’t mess with those cookies…don’t mess with this…” Your siblings told you “don’t bother that…don’t take it.” Though that seems small, its still thievery. I was with a company that I was a contractor at, and I was told I could go into the office supply cabinet. I looked in there and it was as though I made it to mecca! I had a pen fetish and they had all types of lead, ballpoint, felt tip point, roller ball point; All sorts of erasers, those like putty, the big white ones, the big brown ones. Post it notes, tape…they had all the goodies. Colored paper clips…you never know how bad you need a paper clip until you need it. I was told I could get whatever I needed. I got every pen and eraser that I could get…and it wasn’t going anywhere but back to my desk. I was doing work with them, but some of them never stayed at my desk, but went home, and rested there. Now because it didn’t come from management and came from one of the engineers on the floor, it wasn’t for me to take, but I took and took and took again. I don’t know if there is such a word as nice stealing, but I stole, often. I was justifying everything…taking 4 bottles of whiteout, just in case I may need it. But I was a thief.

How about cheating? Do you remember anger? How about faithlessness? As a teenager, we told other teenagers “are you going to be faithful,” yet we weren’t even faithful. We tell them “don’t cheat on that test,” yet we cheat on that test.

Lets look at our childhood. Have you ever been selfish in your childhood? You know there use to be a truck that came around and the driver was Mr. Liberty. He had popsicles, iced cold bazooka bubble gum, fudge sickles, freeze pops, eskimo pies, the ice cream bars with chocolate on the outside, and the neapolitan ice cream…He always carried the right stuff for the kids in the neighborhood. He came at the right time, and when he rang that bell, every kid on that street came running, hopping and skipping beside the truck. He tried to satisfy every child and teach us about our money too. We had a wonderful time waiting for him to come, and we use to promise each other that we’d help the kid who didn’t have money and get them something. But when that time came up, we didn’t want to share, even when you ate some of another kids iced cream before. Then you would order knowing you had no money, then you felt angry, disenchanted; let down because you couldn’t get the thing you wanted.

Do you remember something you took from your sibling or friend and never gave it back? Did you know that you can’t steal someone from another person? You saw one teen with a girl you wanted. So you went about trying to steal the girl from him? This happened to me. Pains and trials and let downs that I didn’t even know were there. Kids being talked about, being made fun of. Teenagers. Wanting to be accepted. “You don’t dress right. We don’t like you. You belong with the misfits.” The things was is the misfits were all straight A’s. These memories are still with me today. Sometimes memories are still there, but attached to those memories are a growth that you never grew beyond. What about when things didn’t go your way? Were you angry with the person, the situation or with yourself? What about when you didn’t get chosen to do a particular task? Some of us want to be chosen, others of us don’t because we don’t want to be called a teachers pet. You remember when your sibling or friend told a lie to your mom or dad? Think about those moments? Do we ever see some of the remnants of our past childhood come up in our life now…how we walk in Christ, how we choose our friends, how we do business? Yes we do. The Word of God says when I was a child, I thought as a child, spoke as a child…Some of the things we do today are still from our past as a child. Did our bodies grow up and our minds stay the same? What does it mean to become a man? Not looking at things from a child’s point of view, but looking sensibly and reasonably. I don’t need to smack you back because you smacked me. We need to realize one thing. We need to grow up.

You wonder why God can’t use us? Because we haven’t grown up. He can’t give a responsibility to someone who is still doing the same old childish things. Think about it. If a person still hasn’t grown up past the mindset of having a playful type mentality all the time, would you entrust them to manage your money? Would you entrust them to handle your business? Think about it. Just relate that with God. Will the Lord entrust you to deliver His word to a person who’s soul is aching, who’s heart is hurting if your still in a child’s mentality? We have a lot of immature Christians out there. Some of them have come into the understanding of what the being clear picture is about. But they begin to play around, and take it lightly. They don’t look at others pain, anguish or hurt, but they say rather it is kind of funny the way they look. When you were a child, some of the things you did carried over into your adulthood. If you grew up liking toy race cars, maybe you became a race car driver. You ever wonder what your life would have been like had you not chosen your profession? What would you have done, accomplished, succeeded in? Would I have known who Jesus is? Would I be in this state or this country? What would I have done?

A lot of times our faith or the lack of faith is due to something that is lingering over into our childhood, linger into our adulthood. We had faith in someone; they failed, so we saw that faith didn’t work, or we have less faith. It causes you to have a misunderstanding of faith. Lack of faith is usually equated to having an emotion disillusion. You have a relationship with someone and you know it would last, but they pull out for some reason. But they told you they had faith in the relationship, then that lessens your idea of faith. The delusion of it all is because of the attachment you had on others wasn’t strong enough to maintain the bond, your faith lessens. You ask, “what came out of me that caused their walking faith not to be strong? Did I cause them not to be faithful? Did they see a lack of faith in me so they became unfaithful to us?” Then you begin to test that faith on them and say “I will try this one more time.” Then when they do it again, you don’t trust them at all.

What does mature mean? Its being able to let things go that don’t make sense. Mature comes in when you’re able to look at something circumspectly, weigh it, not just accept it, but know the consequence behind it. Whereas a person who is younger will jump right in and do it and find out later that it was bad. Maturity will say I’m 72 years old, I don’t need to have a car note. Maturity makes sense. I’m not working anymore, why would I go and make a big bill? You can’t live off someone else. You say you did when you were younger, and think you can do it today. Making the same old mistakes you did when you were younger. “He’s cute, got nice hair and muscles. So he must have a brain.” That is the same thing you did when you were younger. You weren’t looking for intelligence, you were looking for looks. You still live the life of a teen and here you’re 62. You still turn out to be a teen and your 50, making the same old stupid mistakes you made when you were younger. When it says I let go of childish things…the way you talked and acted. You can’t do the same things you use to do when you were younger. You should have some wisdom. Have you grown up yet? Its not the shape or the color of the product. Its whats in there that matters. You don’t want a man who will be candy on your arms. You want someone who will enhance you and teach you something. Whatever God gives you, trust Him.

Don’t let the ways of your past control your future. Don’t make the same stupid mistakes; being giddy making your choices in life. Start looking at thing a bit more seriously.

The Seeds of Your Past Can Choke out Your Future

You’ve seen vines that grow around trees and on windows? Those vines come from a little, bitty seed, which grows like wild fire. They’ll cover stuff, choke out stuff, in so much that they even kill a trees. They’ll smother the branches and choke out the leaves, and kill the tree. Those kind of seeds will choke our your future and if you have that kind of see in your life, it will choke out your future.

The word Seed in Greek is Sperma, where we get the English word sperm. We all know what sperm is. The Bible tells us the origin of our seed; of us. But the Greek work Sperma means offspring.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-3

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.

A tree can’t pick itself up and say it doesn’t want to lay where it fell. Like dominoes, when you set one off, all of them go off. This is how some things are in our lives. We set our lives up like dominoes. Whatever is in our past will knock down our future. We’ll wind up doing stupid stuff, and our future was based upon something we set up in the past. As we set things up in the past and we go beyond the past, we set up things like dominoes right behind us. Then we get to the point where we say we’ve made it! Were doing good. We have the car, house, wife, or husband, land, or job that we wanted. Everything is laid out just the way we wanted, and you sit back and say this is cool. Then all of a sudden, something comes out of nowhere that topples your life. When you take a deeper look, there were things in the past that have dominoed its self to the present that have caused me to loose. We look at these things and say “no I’ve cleared up my path.” Know this, whatever is in your past will become your future if its not taken care of.

Ecclesiastes 11:4

He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.

If you’re so busy worried about something else that has nothing to do with what is needed now, time flies by.

Ecclesiastes 11:5-10

As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun: But if a man live many years, and rejoice in them all; yet let him remember the days of darkness; for they shall be many. All that cometh is vanity. Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity.


The Bible tells us that when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I acted as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things. We look at some of the young men today; getting girls pregnant. Then they say that they can’t afford a child. Well, did they think about that in the past? The child is back here, and the girl is young, and the boy is young. The boy says I still have my life to live. Why do an adult act while you’re a child? As you get older, and she gets older, you get set in your ways and do your own thing. You want to see your child, but the mother withholds you, and asks for money for the child. Now he did it when he was young and irresponsible. Now that he is older and somewhat responsible, all that is in his life. So she goes and gets a DNA test to show that he is the father. Domino effect. Now you’re working a good job making a lot of money. Then someone takes half your check to give to the mother and the baby. Domino fact. The court now has garnished your wages. Now you say she doesn’t deserve your money, that you’ve worked hard to get that. Too late to say that because you’ve set the seed in the past, which caused you set affects in your life. Another situation; you do investments, make a little money as a young person; saved aside. Someone convinces you to spend your money on frivolous things. You put your money toward that, which sucks the money from your pocket. Now all of a sudden someone wants to cosign or borrow money from you; a good friend. In the process, they defraud on the loan, they don’t pay it, and because your name is on the loan, they come after you because you cosigned. So you’re directly responsible because you have a job and the other friend doesn’t. So now they garnish your wages. Now you’re stuck with the child support and a loan you helped cosign. That should tell you one thing. Don’t set up seeds in your past to control what happens to your life in the future. Don’t start off bad habits…smoking, drugs because your friends said it was cool. Because you want to be cool, you starting taking up smoking. A little weed here, smoking a little there. Next thing you know, you’re smoking weed on a regular basis. Now the money you have coming in is spent on a habit; your money is slowing dissipating. Bad habits can cause you to loose your future.

A lot of people allow different kinds of things in their life, not understanding that it can cause them to loose their future. We look at Israel. We look at their life and structure. Some of the things Israel did in their past, hampered their future. When Israel was in Egypt, they cried and pleaded to where they got to the point where they cried on a regular basis. The Lord sent them a deliver; Moses. Isn’t it something how you can remember your past, the things your thought were fun and awesome? But the Israelites in Egypt were making bricks from straw to build buildings, working the slime pits, working the straw in, doing everything designated for someone who was a slaves. They were being whipped and tortured to help build things for that dynasty. Its amazing when they cried out, God gave Moses, who said he was coming to set the people free. Moses a deliver? “What you call its,” son? That boy is our deliverer? People couldn’t believe it. As the people were walking to their place of destiny being free, isn’t it amazing how when they got in the dessert, and there was no water, no food, they started complaining. Now mind you, there was no food or water barely in Egypt, but they recalled they had a better time in Egypt. Isn’t it something the things of your past your were trying to get free from, your require to be in your present? We become Children of God, and then when things get hard in your walk, you think about how it was when you were in the world. I partied, I did what I wanted to do, but you complained then that you didn’t want to do all that. Now you get salvation and say I’m bored, this Christian life was boring. But what did you do in the world? Sat in the house all day.

Get yourself active in the house of God before you complain that being in the house of God is boring. Well you say you don’t know what do. Get active. Once you do, you’ll find something that you desire to do and God will enhance that. But most people like to complain. Don’t let the past, your past things you did, the things you were doing in the past, build up and cause your future to be jacked completely up. You can’t allow that to happen. Right now, as you set right now, get everything cleaned up. Even if you have to go to your old friends and apologize, apologize, because you don’t want to be the one who holds back their future. So now you are free and can grow to be what God called you to be, so that mess won’t come back later and bite you. I’ve been dominoed so many times from things, that I should be flat. This is how we are letting our past become our future. So we need to find those seeds, dig them up, and destroy them, because they will surely grow up and choke up your life.

Mark 4:22-29

For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath. And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.

Things in your life, if they are negative things, if you feed those things with negative process like thoughts, actions or deeds, as you bring those things into your life, that corn stalk in your life will begin to fill out and grow. As it gets into its maturity it bears fruit. All those things you’ve been feeding into your life, negative things, actions and deeds, will come to a maturity, and when they do, they will blossom out of you. So if you are fed being a liar, crook, thief, judgmental, nasty, lazy; when you get older it will blossom out of you because your nurtured those things. When they rear their head and blossom in front of you, its never in a good time, its always in a wrong time, but these things have become a part of you. So you’re only doing what you do, and what you have grown to do, what you have placed in you to do. Its just as I said earlier about the dominoes that you set up in your life. You’re in front of the dominoes and they are behind you. As a Child of God, don’t let your past become your future that will choke out the real purpose that God has for you. Just like that corn stalk with corn; the fruit on, they will build up. If its good things, your get a bunch of it, and if its bad things you’ll get a bunch of it. Make sure the things you do contribute to a good walk in Christ. Don’t let it be because of something in the past, or something you couldn’t let go of. Remember the Greek word for seed is Sperma, which is the natural offspring of something. Something natural; that you accumulated; that you gave all the time and nurture it needed to grow in your life. Understand this, the Bible tells us, what so ever a man soweth that shall he reap.