Tag Archives: Child of the King

Do You Just like to Repeat or Do you Need to be Set Free, Part 2

When the Lord comes, will you be ready? It’s all about doing what God is saying, and that is to be a witness for Him. Last Sabbath we talked about are you caught in a repeat. Do you want to keep repeating what you did last year? Didn’t you enjoy what you did last year? One of the things I was trying to do is clean up my act last year. How many know that I’m not impervious that I make mistakes? That is because I’m on my way to salvation too. If I know a little bit more than you do, I’m glad to help. We have to meet the need of the Lord. How long hault you between 2 opinions?

Do you want to repeat or do you want to be free? If you repeat a situation and not be set free from it, sometimes we call that a habit, but you’ll be bound. When you allow someone to lock you in, it’s so hard to get free and you’re bound. Most people allow Satan to lock them in, he knows the combination. You who don’t know or understand that there is a code, you’ll continue to do what Satan tells you to do. If a person allows themselves to be carried away with habitual habits it will carry them and others around them away. The word habit is doing something that becomes almost involuntary. For instance looking both ways before crossing a street. Habits can be good, but they can also be bad. If it’s a habit, then its an addiction.

Habits form who you are sometimes. You get in a habit of saying things, acting a certain way, in an habitual personality. Sometimes to such an extent that they can destroy you. Good habits can destroy you too. Have you ever seen someone who brushes their hair 5000 times or brush their teach 16 times? You can’t get anywhere because of obsession. When you allow a thing to take control of your physical state or body, then you’ve allowed that thing to become a part of you as a person whether good or bad.

Sin. Sin can be your friend. Sin can be habitual. Think about some of the habits that you have that have become a sin to you. Have they become a part of you? People have a bad habit of ___________________? You have a bad habit of _________________________? Then you have another bad habit of__________________________? If you allow sin to become habitual in your body, you’ve become addicted. What do you usually do when you become addicted? You make a space in your life for it. You will work for it, create a place in your house for it, change your friends according to it; you create a space in your life for sin. You know you can love someone until you sin? “But its love pastor.” But love can be a sin. In this respect, I love him so much that you did what, gave him everything; my money, my time; I gave him everything, and got nothing in return. If you allow it, it will control your life. Habits do nothing but control. I do know that if a man or woman allows habits to exist in their life, they will eventually turn bad. Well, let’s say you have a habit of laughing. There is  serious situation that just transpired, and you start laughing. But you laugh all the time, and its a habit for you. How will you be received? Habits, habitual; that means you repeat it over and over again.

As you know addiction means a state of being enslaved to a habit or practice. Enslaved. You can be enslaved to sin. When it says to do this, you’ll do it whether you like it or not. Why can’t you be free? Because you enjoy being bound. You constantly want to be bound even though you say “Lord I want to be free.” Someone will steal your soul and put a combination on it so even the Lord can’t get in. They got in through your heart. When they got inside, Satan wants you for himself, so he’ll put a combination on there that you can’t get in. Does something have your soul locked up that you can’t get rid of that habitual, addictive type thing in your life? Some of us try to get over and say “It’s a generational curse.” But when does it stop? Generation means your giving it age and time, and nurturing it. My uncle did it, my cousin did it, my dad did it, now I’m doing it. So we blow it off. The Lord says “Well don’t you want to be free?” Then you say “Yes, but its a generational curse.” It has more hold on you than the Lord. Then people won’t own up to the fact that they’re the problem. They can’t see themselves because they’re caught in their own sin.

Satan will come to you disguised as God, and when you think its Him, it’s actually Satan. When you pray, do you pray out loud? Do you think Jesus only has ears? No, Satan and all his imps have ears too. When you’re born, there is a demon assigned to you. There was a show on years ago where a spiritual medium had a studio audience in which he told people in the audience about things their dead relatives said to them. The Word of God says when a person dies, they have no dealings in the world of the living. So people are captivated by these spiritual mediums who can seemingly talk to the dead. Its a problem now, because now you believe in what this spiritual medium can do and say. What you didn’t know is your uncle doesn’t know that man, but the spirit that was assigned to your uncle knows; a demonic force assigned to mimic your ways and voice so that it can appears as you to get someone else in this world convinced that the spiritual world exists through a medium. People fall for that. Satan has demons assigned. Millions upon millions upon millions of demons, and they’re all assigned to people, that is the only way Satan can cause you to fail. Satan is not omnipresent, omniscient; the demons report back to Satan to let him know what’s going on. So what does Satan do, he sends his demons out to reinforce a habit. Whatever is binding you, that demon is going to enhance it. Satan uses every tool possible. He uses your habitual mindset to blind you to what the Word of God says. This is how Satan drives you to make mistakes in your life because you’re hearing Satan’s or his imps voice and not the Lord’s. So when everything works out terribly for you, do you blame Satan? No you blame God. How many know that God gives your free will and this is a policy He deals with.

Why do you think Satan went to Eve first? Adam was first. Eve was the lesser of the two. Where did Satan catch Eve? She was admiring the tree God said not to eat from. Eve told Satan the Lord said we are not going eat of the fruit of this tree. That means she understood, and was disobedient; your senses were over flooded. Satan used your habits and addictions to drive your away from God. So when she ate the fruit, did she die? No, that solidified in her mind that what God said about her dying was a lie, because she did not die instantly. Satan became powerful to her. When she ate of the fruit it changed her seed making it deceived. So the only thing left for her to do was to mess up Adam’s seed, because her eyes were opened. When she ate of the fruit she did die: 1) she lost the love connection with God 2) she lost her ability to obey God 3) she lost her ability to decipher. It became habitual when Eve and Adam ate of that fruit. When they lost connection with their God because of something that they did, that is why its hard for us to stay focused anymore in the Church, that they stop coming to church. That they say “I don’t need this, I’ve got Jesus on my side.” None of us are Gods. How powerful do you think you are? You that powerful that you can go on your own?

Can you run on last years food or gas? You need freshness. You can’t live on an old anointing. You cannot live on an old anointing. His mercies are new every morning, but if you’re jacked up on the old one, you’ll never know when His mercies come. What did the Children of Israel do when they were set free from Egypt? They went back to Egypt in their hearts. They were living on the past, and made it their future. You cannot live on old stuff. You cannot put new wine in an old bottle because old wine has an effervescence which causes pressure and will break the new bottle. You need to get rid of your habit and allow God to give you the authority and power to move from where you are now. That is why Satan wanted to get inside of Eve, to mess up the generations to come. He knew that if he got Eve he’d get Adam.

Mark 7:15-16

There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

Luke 6:40-49

The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother’s eye. For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

Whatever you exhibit shows what’s inside of you. You want to be set free? You have to admit that you are bound. The hardest thing for people in the Church is to admit their wrong because they can’t see. They can only see themselves. When you think yourself something the you’re nothing. Nothing makes a mess of everyone around it. Allow God to deliver you. If you can’t allow God to restore you back, then why be in his Kingdom? You are not a god. God is God, we’re just here. We have to know Him for ourselves. No one else can give an account for you. We have to give an account for ourselves. You can’t go further if you haven’t been obedient. How can you say you’re a child of the King and can’t be obedient to Him? Obedience is better than sacrifice, no matter what abilities you may have. Move when God says to move. If you can’t hear Him clearly the how will you know when to move. If you can’t hear Him then you need to spend time with Him to hear His voice.