Tag Archives: conflicting

The Conflict of Your Christian Life

James 2:1-26, James 3:1-18

We constantly have some sort of conflict that takes place in our lives; jobs, neighbors, families, etc. As believers in Christ we are constantly conflicting. The Easter holiday is upon us, and as Christians we are conflicting with each other concerning whether or not Easter is a valid and biblical holiday to celebrate. On one end of the spectrum we believe Easter has direct ties to Jesus death, burial, and resurrection. On another end of the spectrum, we believe that Easter is steeped in extra biblical traditions that have infiltrated the biblical Feast days of Passover and Unleavened Bread. As believers, we have to get back to what is Biblical.

Who is a Christian, who isn’t a Christian? James 2:1-15 says we should not have respect of persons, yet we do. We should give the needy what they need, yet we don’t. If we have the necessities for ailing people, we should provide them. Yet, we’d rather pray that they get food, or clothes, when we have food and clothes ready to give to them. Then on the other hand, we turn around and ask God for something. Do you think He’ll give us what we’ve asked for if we can’t help the needy for necessities that we have readily? Further, do you think the person you are praying for will even turn their mind to think on Jesus? This becomes a conflict of your salvation and puts your compassion in question.

Faith without works is dead.

These two can not exist a part from on another. If you are a believer, then why are you doing things opposite of what a Child of God does? Here are a list of things that Christians may go through in their walk that cause them to have conflicts:

1) Christian behavior Romans 13
2) Sin Romans 6:1
3) To live holy or not, that is the question, James 2:1-26, 3:1-18, James 4:1-17
4) Flesh and spirit, Romans 8:1,2,4-14
5) The voice of Jesus, People have conflict with this because they can’t determine if its Jesus or not talking to them. Matthew 16:17, John 10:27, Act 9:1-18, Job 1-7
6) Lust, James 1:14-15, Ephesians 2:3, 2 Timothy 2:22, Titus 3:1-4, James 4: 1-10
7) To pray or not to pray, Matthew 6:7, Mark 11:24, Luke 18:1, Luke 22:40-46, 1 Thessalonians 5:17

The word conflict means war or clash. The greek word for conflict is athlesis, which means a combat, struggle or fight.