Tag Archives: Daniel 12

Happy Sabbath Friends

If ever there was a time for rest it is now! This week has been long, and its refreshing to take some time and slow down. We honor the Father this Sabbath in resting and we honor Him in our service today, giving Him the praise and glory through His son and our Savior Jesus.

The scripture reading today is Daniel chapter 12 and Isaiah 57.

Isaiah 57 is referring to the healing of the backslider. To correlate to everyday life, we have to be very careful about what we are putting our attention into on a daily bases. Anything that removes your mind from loving God is dangerous. That “anything” can become your God. You need to forsake and move away from those things. We try to justify our sins, and make God out to be a “loving” God who forgives no matter what. However, our hearts need to change.

Moving onto Daniel 12, we as believers are suppose to support and encourage one another in the last days. In the sales word there is a selling tactic know as the “Law of Average.” You talk to 75 people. Out of the 75 you may get 25 that consider; out of the 25 You may get 10 who seriously consider; out of the 10 you may get 5 who Are serious to commit. This is the same sort of tactic we as believers need to utilize to win souls. Daniel 12:2 says that some will awake to everlasting contempt and shame. How would you like to awake to shame because you didn’t do anything for Christ; if you let something else distract you from your walk in Him?

Lets get back to fellowship with Him; lets get back to doing what He has give us as individuals do in in Him. Lets get back to Christ.