Tag Archives: double-minded man is unstable in all his ways

Who are You In Bed With?

Isaiah 13:1-22, The Time of the End of New Babylon

The US has been deemed the New Babylon because of the sin and degradation of its society and the human emotional involvement, plus the vial effect of men and woman and their reprobate affections towards each other 2 Timothy 3:1-9.

The question you need to ask yourself is who are you in bed with? If you’re in bed with any individual, you tend to take on a serious relationship with that individual. Before you can get to the part where you are in bed with them, you must have had some kind of intimate relationship with them, a mental relationship and possibly even a physically relationship. There is no such thing as saying I don’t know whom I was in bed with. When you look at the whole big picture something drew you into that bed, looking from a natural sense. Whether the look in their eyes, shape of their bodies, financial or physical attraction, something drew you into that bed. For you to go as far as being in bed with that person, place or thing, you would have had to have let go of who you are to allow them into your personal and intimate space. I say again, who are you in bed with?

In this day and age, we look at the different countries, the different dilemmas, and fightings abroad and wonder who is causing all of this turmoil. We find out this country or that country is in cahoots with each other; they are allies. That is a key word: Ally. So whoever you are in bed with they have become your ally. So you are in agreement with them. Where a man’s treasures are, there lies his heart  Matthew 6:19-21. Who are you in bed with? The different countries around the world have been in bed with each other. If you remember Babylon that great city, in league with the nations around them, the Chaldeans, doing what they do best, corrupting, destroying, lying, warring with nations nearby to gain control of the natural resources, cheating for the benefits of the wicked men who were in power. Using their armies to overthrow other nations, not for the benefit of their country, but for the benefit of those who were in charge of the country. Some of us even say that “I love the Lord,” even to the point of saying “He heard my cry,” but they are in bed with Lucifer, the devil. When you point these things out that they are locked into in their lives that point to Satan rather than God, they will fight you, talk about you, dog you out, do everything possible to attack you because you showed them the truth, and allowed them to see really who they are in love with. The Bible says you are known by the fruits that you bear. I ask you who are you in bed with?

The older generation used to say if you lie down with dogs, you’ll wake up with flees. The flea doesn’t know the difference, it just looks for blood. Satan doesn’t care if you are a man, woman, child or baby, he does not care if you are saved or not saved, Satan says that he is looking for whom he may devour. When the Sons of God came before God, and Satan was among them, He asked Satan where he’d come from, and Satan said to and fro in and out from among the earth. Seeking whom he may devour Job 1:6, 2:1-2.


Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:5-7.


As you are in relationship with whatever has occupied your time, your focus and your heart, that is who you are in bed with. That is who or what is going to control your emotions, your wellbeing, your heart, and will affect your goals and your purpose in life. So, you can’t serve two masters, so if you are in bed with Satan then you must hate the Lord or despise Him. Somehow you don’t like what the Lord is doing for you. The bible tells us a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways. Make up your mind. If you love the lord serve Him, if not serve satan. The Word of God tells us you are either hot or cold. In the Bible, it says I wish you were either hot or cold. Revelation 3:14-15.

You can’t serve two masters, you’ll either love the one or despise the other or visa versa. Who are you in bed with?If you love this world, whether it’s this country of whatever country it happens to be more than you love the Lord, then whatever you are a part of, you will love them and you will hate the Lord. So whatever punishment comes upon that nation will come upon you as well. It goes back to say one of he sermons I preach earlier, Reaping and unwanted harvest.