Tag Archives: holy ghost

Your Christian Walk Seen Through Your Eyes, Not the Word

We walk in this Christian walk, but we’re not walking via the Word, but by what we see. When we see and hear what others do, we’re not walking according to the Word, but through others, by our own sight and might.

Have you questioned your walk in life or even your walk in Christ Jesus? To some, this may be a daily occurrence. I’ve questioned my walk so much even on a daily basis because I wanted to know if I was going about it in the right way. I’m always checking myself. As we look back at our daily activities, looking at what we might have said or even did that may not have been the most ideal thing for us at that time. To most of us this time of reflection usually ends up with us wishing we would have never said this or that. Maybe we should have never went to that place or that person’s home in the first place. Sometimes we go by blaming ourselves, calling ourselves out of our name, accusing and attacking ourselves, because we say to ourselves, we should have known better. We attack ourselves severely and don’t have a referee except the Holy Ghost to make us stop. In some way, we tend to let others ever so lightly dictate our walk. We allowed someone to take us there. We allow others so slightly and so delicately dictate our walk, via their worldly knowledge and understanding which causes us to go off-kilter, leading us into a false sense of a salvation. This will ultimately lead you down the road of destruction. Some will say, “why are you dragging me into your situation?” I need somebody to help me instead. Not to sound selfish. We tend to want to tell people leave us alone, but they still want to bother us in their worldly understanding.

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Proverbs 14:12

By you having them do what they want to do, indirectly or directly, you’re leading yourself down the train of death. We don’t need other people to help us, we need the Holy Ghost to help us. It gets to the point where you only see the Holy Ghost through your understanding that is being dictated to someone around you. If a person doesn’t know and understand, they should not be teaching people. Don’t tell me advice about something you’re not doing. You can’t live what you talk about. Some people say, “Do what I say, not what I do.” Sometimes I have to get away. You can’t see your walk through the Word because you’re too busy distracting me. The best way to help me grow is leave me alone.

On this road of death, you will encounter people who are just as lost as you are. You can’t help each other because what can you tell the other except lies and deceptive understanding? It would be as though the blind leading the blind and as the Bible reads, “they both will fall in a ditch.” If you don’t know and I don’t know, who knows? For example, if you call a taxi and when they arrive, they ask you how to get to the airport, would you continually stay in the taxi, or you excuse yourself and look for someone more competent? For some, they would probably sit there and try to reason the situation so the taxi can get you to your destination, instead of getting out of the taxi and finding the correct taxi that knows the way. Someone says, “Do you know the road to salvation?” How do you take the road to salvation? Friends and family talk to you about things they don’t know about.

But sadly as it is, this what is going on with so man people in the Church today, putting their trust in other people, whether friends or family, following them instead of Jesus Christ out of an emotional tie and so called obligation. They allow that to be their deciding factor for their walk and salvation in Christ, not even allowing the thought to enter their heads or comparing what they say to the Bible. In some ways, some might take the word of their friends or family as the Word’s of God. Some people insinuate others to listen to them because they’re quoting the Word of God. If someone claims to come speaking a word from God for you, it should be a confirmation to you. If its a contradiction, then it tells you they aren’t in God. Your confirmation in Christ will lead you where the Holy Ghost wants you to go.

The Bible clearly tell us to trust in the Lord and lean not unto our own understanding, but acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Not your family, not your friends, not your husband, or your wife, but God. If you allow yourself to listen to them and engorge your soul with their understanding, it will slowly take you off kilter. Its because you’re allowing people to put in your soul things that are not of God but of them, and that unrighteousness will come out of you directing your path to the wrong direction.

1.) For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; 2.) That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3.) In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 4.) And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. 5.)For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ. 6.) As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: 7.) Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. 8.) Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 9.) For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10.) And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

Colossians 2:1-10

What is beguilement? Overwhelming talk to you to convince you that what they say is true fact. The Holy Ghost will bring confirmation of what people are telling you, whether its is a lie or not. A lot of times out of emotional connection, we’ll not listen to the Holy Ghost, but to people instead. The Bible tells us to work out our own salvation, with fear and trembling. You want your soul to be governed by the Word of God, not by the word of man. If you are a Child of God, things are in order. Your understanding is in order. The Pastor won’t give you something at a 4 year grad level if you’re someone in the junior year. The Pastor has to be in order and deliver to you in your level of spiritual awareness. If you are filled up with a lot of mess from other people, you won’t even know how to deal with yourself, let alone other people. If people know you’re an open trash can, what will they do? You’ve seen things that go in garbage cans. Some of it stinks, and the odor rises. That is how you are. You’ll go forth and what is in you will ooze out of you. The Bible says that kind of stuff stinks in His nostrils and you become a walking garbage can. What do you do with garbage you don’t want anymore. Do you keep it in a room and say this is the garbage room? We take it out of our house and toss it, because we don’t like the stench it gives. You shouldn’t like the stench you give if someone is using you for a human garbage can. The garbage doesn’t have to be tangible, but words which produces a spirit of distention and contention. You’re always causing division or always saying no about everything. You are the one who asks the question, “I know the Holy Ghost will lead and guide us but what if we…” As you receive Christ as Lord walk in Him. Not in your friends, family, or bosses will. Don’t walk according to their understanding. Walk in the Word concerning Christ. We walk in other people’s understanding of the Word of God. People will take the Bible and put their words in place of some of the words. The older generation use to say concerning the Bible, “conduct your business like men.” But I quoted it as “from the Bible,” because I allowed myself to be the garbage can for someone who didn’t know. People are constantly interchanging the words of Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit because someone else did it. They didn’t look in the scriptures and see that there is a difference in the scriptures about it. You became a dumping ground for their garbage. People say they are filled with the “Spirit of God,” but I don’t know about you all, but I’m fill with the Spirit of Christ. You think its the same. God had a Son who redeemed us from the grave. What was His name? It was not God it was Jesus. We can’t perceive a God. I don’t have a concept of God, but I know God told me, “I sent My Son back, hear Him.” Why because this one’s going to die for your sins. So when I tell you, they’ve twisted the Word around that you wouldn’t understand that there is only one God, faith and baptism. There is no one on Earth who can die for you, so I have to send Myself down as a Man in flesh form, because I and My Son are One. So when people talk about that’s the Holy Spirit. They will throw out tidbits of something they don’t know. If a person talks to you and they don’t know, they’ll fill you with misunderstand. Its like the blind leading the blind.

Be rooted, built up in Him. Its all about planting. Those who are Children of God are farmers. The Bible says one plants, one waters, but God gives the increase. The seed you plant is going to come up. If its the wrong seed, it will come up jacked up. For every word that comes out your mouth as a Child of God that is incorrect and you put in someone else…Don’t listen to someone’s half baked word of understanding. But if you’re around it, it will find a place to sit and hide. That is why later on in your walk you start stumbling. When you’re full of poison, you’re full of garbage. You’re stumbling because you’re sick from your soul. That is why you can’t think right.

Do you know why Satan plays his music all the time around you? Because he was the angel of music in heaven. Subliminal cuts in a theaters are a prime example of how Satan tricks you. You’re watching a movie and as it plays, right in the middle of the movie you see a cut for popcorn and drinks. We fall for it and buy everything from the concession stand. We fall for it with the Word. Someone gives us a little word, we put that in our bucket, the bucket of our minds. Then you end up using something someone else says that isn’t right. That’s how Satan trips you up in your walk. You’re going along, and Satan’s ready to make you slip.

The Holy Ghost will lead and guide you. Its these phrases that we hear that get us caught up in our Christian walk, but we can’t see it because we’re looking through the flesh of others. Its not of God or the Word, but the flesh. Then we question ourselves and beat ourselves up and call ourselves names. We sound more like the devil to ourselves than the devil himself. Didn’t you realize when he spoke to Eve, he didn’t stay around and try to hang out with Eve. She took the bate. Sometimes we’re not walking into a situation blindfolded, but our eyes are clearly open. Sometimes we do things and say to the Lord that later we’ll ask for forgiveness. We have become the garbage can for other people’s dumping ground. How would you like it if the garbage truck comes to your house, into your room and dumps all the garbage for the day in there? Think about the mess that your bring into your own bedroom. You can’t even lay down properly because so and so is on your mind, and they’ve dumped into you. You don’t need their garbage in you. Walk away. But if you like garbage, you’ll sit there and listen. I don’t care if it is your Mom your Daddy, your sister, your brother; walk away. I don’t need to hear your mess and I don’t need to take it to my chest. Keep your mess off my chest. I don’t need your mess in my heart.

Christ in you is the most powerful thing, because in you dwells the Godhead because you have the Holy Ghost in you. Christ in you is the most powerful thing. That is why Satan is afraid of you so he can keep you confused so you can’t rely on the power within you. The presence of Christ is in us, so we have to be careful not to be the garbage for our family, friends or jobs. Would you throw garbage on Christ? No. Well every time you listen to your friends and family, you throw garbage on the Holy Ghost inside of you.

We must remember that our walk is private and we must walk out our walk by ourselves with the heart of a child, but with the characteristics of an adult. The book of James tells us not to be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, even if it’s from friends or family. One is saying this and the other saying that, and the Word of God is in the middle. People saying they know what’s best for you. You have to realize this: God is coming back after us as individuals and won’t have other people with us. If they see you get close to what is going on then they dump in you. Every time you get close to understanding, you get so much negative talk. People will talk about you, and they don’t know whom their working for. If you’re not working for God then your working for the Devil. You have the Holy Ghost, the Son of the living God, living in you. Back then the people of God only relied upon the presence of God around them, but Satan didn’t realize when he killed Jesus, He allowed Jesus soul to inhabit whomever He wanted. If He’s in you, Satan can’t touch you. If you know that, you’ll realize why he tries to destroy you, because he can’t influence you or deceive you.

You need not go to the world or you friends and family on how to walk or live holy. Just go to the Word of God and the true men of God if you need answers to your Christian life and walk. Let read what Ephesians has to say about this:

Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Ephesians 5:1-17

God sees in you as a Child of God, the Holy Ghost in you, the presence of God will pop up out of you and He will know you are His child. All those who proclaim to be His child, but the Holy Ghost is not see in them, they are not of God but their father the Devil. How is your walk? You’re seeing your walk through the eyes of others, not through the Word. Your mind and walk should be based on what the Word of God says. People will tell you the Holy Ghost will lead and guide you. There is only the Holy Ghost, there is only the triune nature of God. They want you to get confused, because the Spirit of God dwelled with them but not in them. Its the Holy Ghost, not the Holy Spirit. God’s Son, Jesus said He would seen back a comforter and he said it was the Holy Ghost, not the Holy Spirit. You have to understand when people try to dump in you mess.

I’ll leave you with with the word according to 1 John 2:1-6:

My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

How many times does it talk to you about your walk? Walk in love, walk in His understanding, walk as His child, walk, walk walk. Its your walk in life that is the most important, that you don’t allow anything to disturb.

What Aspects of Christianity Are You Practicing?

Sometimes our Salvation is predicated on the things that God gives us, what He does for us, or how He feels about us before we take it upon ourselves to say “this is the Creator who created me.” Some people who call themselves Christians are falling into what we might say is the Christian Identity Syndrome, taking the life of Jesus Christ and His word like ordering a meal at a restaurant, where everything is a la carte. Everything in Christianity is expected to be separate items on a restaurant menu, and the assumption is you have the option to choose how you want to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What aspect of Christianity are you following? What makes you a Christian? Do you not know that there is more than one aspect of Christianity that you are to take into consideration? Anybody can take the good aspects of Christianity, but no one wants to take the disciplinarian aspects of Christianity. The Bible says that whatever a man sows, that shall he reap. If you plant a seed of corn, don’t expect a pear tree to come up. So if you sow anger, strife, hatred, all those things into the ground or into the a person, what you’ll get out is the same negative thing you threw in. If you aren’t putting good stuff within you, good stuff won’t come out of you. If you allow your neighbors, friends or the world to put stuff in you, then what will come out of you are the things they’ve placed in you. Anger, jealously, hatred…so when someone sees you and asks, “What do you have for me?” What comes out will be negative and they will say that you, as a Christian, were evil. Will the real Child of God stand? Stand up in the midst of a battle? When things are not good. Stand. When everything is against you. Stand. When you don’t have money. Stand. But if you’re not a Child of God, you won’t know how to stand. Last time, I read the Word of God, I believe it said He die for total humanity, inclusive of all their sins. What would Christianity look like if man was on a chart like a menu and it had every expectation listed of what God wants from mankind labeled with no time limits? What is God asking from you? Total submission, obedience, love, happiness…He wants you to be joyful…the world goes up and says they only want love. What about obedience, caring, sacrifice? Christianity is not what you want it to be, its what it is. Christian means to be Christ-like. How can you be Christ-like when everything you exemplify is like the world? The Word of God says there is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof are the ways of death? Why? Because you take Christianity a la carte.

Everyone wants someone to love them, hug them, and be around and care for them, right? In Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says there is a time and season for everything under heaven. There is a time to live and die, time to love and not to love. There is a time to be angry and not, because the Bible tells us we can be angry but not sin. There is a time to plant and there is a time to pick up. People try to do things out of season for their own benefit, because “they felt.” But when you feel, its your will. God is not mocked, what a man sows that shall he reap. God will not make you do anything, because He is not a God of control. He just says if you love Me keep My commandments. By love shall you do them, because out of love you won’t do them. These are the things that people negate because they don’t want that aspect of Christianity. Its just like in a marriage. Each partner does what the other likes out of love. It isn’t right for one of the partners to gansterize the spouse by using their emotions to move them in the direction of control. This is not of God. He said whosoever will let him come. God does not say “you better get in here or else!” God is not gangster. God’s way is to ask, “If you love Me would you do that?” If we say no, He’ll go on about His business, seeking for the soul who will say yes. Blessings then are showered on the one who said yes, and the one who said no gropes and moans about what the other person has. The one who says no talks about Jesus, says he knows Jesus, but his actions shows that they don’t love Him because they don’t do what He asks. The Lord Jesus Christ is not an a la carte God. The Lord tells us in His Word in the book of John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” He didn’t say keep some of His commandments or even most of His commandments but all His commandments.

Can you imagine a world where people only live according to the Word of God only most of the time? What a world it would be! We are living in a world like that today. People are choosing what they want to do and how they want to serve the Lord. There are people who call themselves Christians who are literally taking whips of leather with sharp metal grommets, whipping themselves saying “Lord forgive me for my sins!” They forgot about the part that says He suffered and died. He did not ask you to suffer! He paid it all on the cross. What aspect of Christianity do you practice? Our God is an all inclusive God. You have to do it all, not the part that you feel you have control of. As we go forth walking in this life, we know its not going to be easy. They tell you when you’re going to get an education that it won’t be easy. There are 1000 others student who are going for the exact same major. “Well how do I get to the front of the line,” you may ask? Its called favor. When God says that is My child, I will bless them with favor. You came in the right season and at the right time to get your blessing of favor. There is a time and season for everything. When all of it merges together, its in God’s time, and if it is, it will move you, in time.

People are living today like there is no tomorrow, and the Church is doing the same as the world. For example, the Church is dealing with abusers, drunkards, effeminate men, and lesbianism. Everything that goes on in the world, the Church experiences in the Church. It ought not be. Some of the best liars and con men you’ll find are in the House of God. From the pulpit to the floor. It shouldn’t be.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

No homosexuals will inherit the kingdom. When I was growing up, it was common for Church pianist to be homosexuals. It was a known thing. The keyboard moves people with the melodic sound. If there is a spirit in you, it goes out into your music. The Church Pastors, Deacons, Elders and Ministers didn’t recognize it until it was too late. The leaders in the Church wanted those with an awesome talent to get people happy and excited, so they can go in their pockets. We allow it. You choose what you want to come into your life and mind. I don’t choose for you and God doesn’t choose for you. Because we don’t have an understanding, we choose the wrong thing. All the people mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 will not be going to Heaven. These types of people are in the Church, the body of Christ of baptized believers who call on the name of the Lord. Somebody opened the door for the mess to come in. Misery likes company. So the weak person gets with the weak person in the Church. If they are jacked up concerning the word, they will make the other person jacked up even more so. If you have a pastor or leader not aware of them being jacked up, and they are placed over something in the Church what happens to that? The Word of God tells us that man’s heart has become so cold that they are choosing everything but God. The people described in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, God has said we once were. If we were once like that, why bring that mess back into your life again? Why associate with those who are like that again? If you were bound with that before, what will people living like that bring to you? A bound nature.

In this world, the tide has changed and the law has become the lawless. As for the some of those so call Christians of today, they are just like the world but with a topping of Christ, a la carte. You get to pick and choose how and what a Christian is defined by your own understanding and experience. How many have had cake without icing? It was good, but when it had icing, it tasted better. That is how the people of God in the Church who call themselves Christians are like. They have an appearance of Godliness. They have a covering of icing on their heads where when people look at them it is said that they are so sweet. Yet in reality they are like ravenous wolves waiting for the opportunity to tear you down. I don’t want anyone around me who will remind me that I’m living in sin, they say. If that happens I have to attack that individual to make them think less of themselves so they will faint. People gain knowledge and understanding about what they’ve come in contact with and by what people directly or indirectly have taught them. They need to corrupt who you are, so just in case they don’t make it on that last day when they stand before the Lord they can make an accusation before Him against you. They’ll say to the Lord, “Do you realize they did this and that and that and this, and you won’t let me in? I served You too!” When people are caught in a lie, they lie more.

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

1 Corinthians 10:23

What is lawful? Permitted, legitimate, allowable, approved. What is expedient? Convenient, practical, although possibly improper or immoral. All things are permitted, but all things are not practical. All things are allowable for me but all things are not good for me. Its good to drive a car fast, but is it expedient? If you drive too fast, its not good. It may appear to be good and look good. I can look at a dessert and eat it up. It was good to look at and good to taste, but now I’ve gained too much weight. It was good but wasn’t proper for me. Its good to have a job and get money, but not profitable to work overtime everyday.

You can weigh whether a person is a Christian or not by these factors:

1. Their level of ability to comprehend. If a person can’t understand the Word, how will they live it?

2. Their frame of consciousness or state of mind. If you’re trying to be taught something and your not conscious of what is going on, how would you ever understand and know what the Word of God says?

3. Their immediate point of reference. What are you’re conditions in this life? What is your reference point in life? Where did you come from, how did you grow up? In a hard environment or surroundings? Was your state of being disturbed? Was it conducive to you getting a proper understanding in life?

4. What outside influence was in your life? School? Your neighborhood? Outside influences shouldn’t deter you from your walk in Christ.

By asking these four questions, you will be able to answer or explain your perception on any truth on things that effect you in your Christian life and walk. Will you be able to explain to someone why you do what you do, without using someone else words? What does it mean to you to serve the Lord or to live holy or to walk upright before your God? Can you explain that? Christianity is more than just “Saying I am,” its “Doing I am.” No body likes you or wants to be around you. You make everyone feel guilty. Its not you, its the Word of God that is in and around you that makes them feel guilty. Its not about you its about Christ. They don’t like the fact you serve Him.

How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he. The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning. Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly. The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips. Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. He that laboureth laboureth for himself; for his mouth craveth it of him. An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire. A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

Proverbs 16:16-28

Verse 19 explains you need to change your surroundings to people who have a humble spirit, because a high minded person will try to control you. Verse 22-23 tells you not to run your mouth about foolishness or things you don’t know about. Verse 25-28 speaks of the things being taught by an ungodly man. He teaches ungoliness and evil. The burning fire he teaches is not of the Holy Ghost and not of God, but ungodliness.

Where the love of God is there lies truth and understanding of being a true Christian, which mean being just like Yeshua (Jesus Christ). The Lord says if you are My child, you will exhibit ways like Me; talk like Me walk like Me act like Me. People will not know the difference and think it is Me! No one should ever stop you from going forth and being what God wants you to be. They don’t have the right. People feel they have control over you and if it doesn’t work directly, they’ll use things like love to make you do what they say. Only one person can tell you, “If you love Me keep my commandments,” and that is Jesus.

What is wrong with the world today? Its Godless. There is so much control in this society today. Once you get connected to the right source, but leave it, you’re on your own. You may not find another source you can connect to and know you’re hearing from God. Satan doesn’t want you to be connected. He wants you to look like a Christian, walk like a Christian, but be empty. Satan just wants you to be a vessel to carry his mess so he can spread mess to everyone you come in contact with. Paul said you have to die daily to yourself. Why? Because daily offenses come your way. So you have to learn how to die to your flesh. Yet your flesh says, “You know you love it,” but you must say, “No, you’ll not get the victory today.” If you give into it, whose unctioning your flesh? Satan. So when you’re flesh says to do something, and you commit the sin, we go through. When you get up, Satan comes to tempt you again. Its the little things that we do that we think are ok with God that Satan knows which he tempts us with. Satan isn’t trying to convert you to him, he is trying to delay you, getting you hooked on things you’re bound by. He’s good at it. The Bible says if it weren’t for the Holy Ghost, no flesh would be saved, because He’d have to shorten the days. Yet we think we can handle it. If Satan took Christ to the top of the pinnacle of a building and was subject to Satan’s temptations, why do we think we can handle Satan? You are Satan’s enemy. You have to fight and can’t allow yourself to be tricked. Its hard, but if it weren’t how would your faith be tried? You need to be put in the fire as the sword so that when it is beaten, then quenched, it hardens. Then its put into the fire again, and when it is hot, it is beaten again, then quenched again. When it cools, it is sharpened and can cut a piece of hair. God is teaching and trying us, beating us into raw material to be used.

So when you are called by God to somewhere to pray for people, the devils in Hell know you’re on your way. They’ve sent messages because they know you are a sharpened sword, and what comes out of your mouth cuts. The demons don’t want you to be there to affect the people, so when you walk into the room, everything comes to silence, because the of the presence of the Holy Ghost is on you, a vessel that has been sharpened. When you intercede, demons will get out as quickly as possible because they know you are a true, tried solider that has been beaten into place, made sharpened and hardened. They can’t tempt you.

If you aren’t going through something, you’d better check to see if you’re walking the way God wants you to walk, because its a daily test and trial for us. When those days come upon us that we don’t feel the presence of God in our lives, you should know for a fact that He is with you. The Holy Ghost will never leave you. God will never leave you or forsake you. Use the authority and power you’ve been given of the anointing of the Holy Ghost to do what you need to do. That is a good soldier.

You Cannot Build on Dead Works

Sometimes people say “I will pick up where I left off” after they’ve been out for a while. Can you imagine if a building has been dilapidated and we clean the building up on the outside and inside, then we’ll take that building and connect it to that building so we can keep going on? Do you know what will happen when the first wind storm comes?

You can’t build on dead works. But if you have junk in your life and you never got rid of the junk, you can’t build a solid foundation on that, because as the junk’s being affected, you’re going to see it shake and quake. It will fall.

There are the things you never got straight; those are the issues in your life that you build another life on top of. Most people say its ok, because “I’ve put it in the past.” How many people know that your past will become your future? Its just like when people build on quick sand; after a period of time it will sink. Then after a period of time water seeps up into the building. You can’t build from dead works. You have to eradicate it and clean up.You have to be refurbished, so that when God places a load in your life of work, you can say “Lord I got this” and not “Lord its too much.” When Things are done everything comes to the forefront and the Lord gives it to you. You have a clean foundation that you can build on. A solid foundation. Amen?

Hebrews 6:1-12

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

How many have heard of the word Ichabod? This is a very important word, which stands for “the glory has departed from that place.” In the case with Israel in 1 Samuel 4:21, it had departed.

1 Samuel 4:19-21

And his daughter in law, Phinehas’ wife, was with child, near to be delivered: and when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was taken, and that her father in law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and travailed; for her pains came upon her. And about the time of her death the women that stood by her said unto her, Fear not; for thou hast born a son. But she answered not, neither did she regard it. And she named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father in law and her husband.

You remember when the Children of Israel were traveling from land to land and they carried the Ark of the Covenant with them? They would set the Ark in the Holy of Holies in the temple. God would commune with the priest in the midst of a cloud. This was Gods way of talking to His people before the point where He became flesh. He would leave messages to them of what they should do with the people, etc. So the Ark was taken; removed from its place. When God leaves His power, His glory and presence are gone. Amen? So now here we have in our lives when the Holy Ghost leaves you the presence of God is not in you and if its not in your what is going on? Its Ichabod that is written on your life.

Some people have Ichabod written on their lives and they don’t even know. So they are building on a shaky foundation. They think of when they USE TO worship; when they USE TO dance. They’re building their whole spiritual walk on what USE TO be. You can’t build on dead works. You can’t build on dead works. You cannot build your Christian walk on something that you use to do. People will fight you tooth and nail and say “He was with me then so I know He’s with me now.” Let me share something with you: Satan is with us 24/7. The mocker; the accuser who has imps that can watch you to mimic your ways to give the impression that you are saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. Satan can make someone jerk, he can make them speak in another tongue. Satan can give you a joyous expression. He is the mocker and accuser, deceiving the bothers to spread the message of lies to other people. What happens to you if you don’t go to your job in 4 or 5 months? You won’t have one,. What happens when you don’t go to church in 4 or 5 months? We take it for granted with God. Its ok with God. You’ve heard what people say “God knows my heart.” He does. That is why He’s trying to tell you get yourself some teaching; some understanding. Because if not, then you’re going on yesterdays work, trying to build today’s future on yesterdays work. Well what’s wrong with that? If it didn’t work yesterday it won’t work today because new mercies God brings forth every morning. How many wake up every morning?

So its time for us to begin to let go of the old foundation, and clean it and prepare it for a whole new work. The Bible says greater works shall you do because Jesus is gone to the Father. You know what a greater work is? Us sitting here in a basement in Bedford, OH at 10 am, talking to a bunch of people in another country witnessing to them, instructing them and getting them together without having them there. They didn’t have the technical capabilities then that we do now. They had Paul, Timothy, Bartholomew, walking for days or weeks to get to one Church. There were seven churches. A greater work is when you can bring someone from the dead, or when thousands of people can be fed from one basket. But what has not been done is communication from one person to another in another country! The point is these are greater works they never conceived of then. What is another great work? Reaching people in the most isolated places in the world, that don’t have internet, Google, Facebook, Instagram; who can’t text or who don’t have anything. Greater work is when you get up out of your seat, go across the seas and talk to these people. The greatness is when the people receive it, and say they’ve heard and been asking their god to teach them and tell them the truth. That is why the word of God says the harvest is ripe, but the labors are few.

Ain’t nobody doing nothing, because were all in church talking about each other, going to dinner, self devouring, usurping authority, making people jealous of others and the souls are dying. If you allow the Word of God dwell in you richly, you’ll hear the Word of God say to you “there is a brother or sister who will come, go with them.” You’ll hear the voice of God. This is what we do when we hear the voice of God; We ask “is it real?” We’ll be able to hear the voice of God when we stop fighting with one another. Then you can testify to 5 people who heard it, received it, and got baptized in Jesus name. You never would have done that when you fuss and argue with yourself and other people. The work goes undone, but you still try to build on that foundation but you’ve never heard Him and haven’t seen Him in years. If you go out and try to witness to someone else, and you’re jacked up, what will happen?

Jesus said I want you to prepare a place for Me for the Passover. Go to the city, see a man…God will use others to get you to where you should be in Him. Jesus said go and tell them that the Father has need. Sometimes we say we don’t hear the voice of God. Well maybe we need to shut up for a while. I know what His voice sounds like to me, but it may be different for you. You need to find out how He will speak to you. God uses whom He will to get his point across to His child. Little kids will be used in this way. He wants us to get rid of that mentality of trying to go on…you’ve been wound forth last last 45, 50, 60, 70 years. You know how many people in the Church are wounded and they try to say something to someone about Jesus? They know absolutely nothing. If you’re not happy how can you tell that God is ecstatic? If you’re not delivered how can you tell someone else that He delivers. How can you say God is awesome and you’ve never seen His awesomeness. How can He talk to You? Does He have to take a number? This is what we don’t really understand. All the stuff in our past will, and has been, and can become our future.

The word build; to assemble; the way a thing is put together; pattern made up composition; in other words, the material used to build upon; to construct; building. If you’re building a new highway, do you build atop the old highway? No, you take out the old concrete, then level out the soil, then build anew. But we say, why can’t they hurry up and build that high way? If you go over that highway that isn’t reinforced, when you drive over it, you’ll be dead in rubble. They aren’t building on dead works, they are gutting it out and restructuring so they can build on solid foundation. Same with a Child of God, you can’t have all that mess in your life; you can’t carry all that baggage with you and try to witness to someone. You can’t build on anything in your life if you’re still going through other things in your life. If you haven’t been redeemed from the burdens and things in your life that are causing your to be weighed down, you can’t build on it. You don’t want to assemble something atop of shaky ground, you don’t want to pour into something that will leak out. You’re a bucket with a whole in it, because while your walking there is a trail. It could be a trail of devastation, where onlookers will say sister or brother has been though here with their leaking bucket.

We Look at the word Dead: lifeless, deadly; passes away.

We look at the word work:physical labour, effort, metal; physical, its work; time spent; time management.

You can’t build on dead works. You have to get old works out and ask the Lord to clean up the stench in you. What’s in the past is in the past, but my life isn’t connected with that. I’ve been forgiven, and given a new life, direction and focus, now Lord You show me what You want me to do, because now I don’t have all that mess in my ear anymore.

When the presence of the Lord has left a ministry, there can be no rebuilding on the foundation of which that ministry was building. That means the person who started cannot rebuild again. Because Ichabod is not only tied to that location, but that ministry. If they restart it, they are building upon an Ichabod foundation. It will not flourish nor be glorious even though they may talk about it. When the name of Ichabod has been written on your ministry its time for you to go out, go to another ministry and get cleaned up. Then it may be He will open the door for a new ministry and new direction. You can’t build on an old messed up situation. It has become dead.

You build on good foundation. Start afresh, start anew.

How Bright is Your Bulb?

Be grateful for a giving heart, for a loving, giving, excited heart; exited about what God has for you. And what God has for you is His will for you. So we need to make sure that we allow God to be number 1 in our lives. At this time, we have to give honor to whom honor is due. Know this, how long halt you between two opinions? The Bible tells us to let your light so shine so that men will see you, but give God the glory for it. So let’s give God His due. My old Bishop use to say give the man his dough. This is God’s time, so take everything off your mind.

Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Shine. Shine. Let your light so shine. How are you shining? What do people see imminating out of you? Do they see the light of God? Do you represent Him, or is it what He represents in you? We need to understand one thing, we need to let Christ shine through us. Because if He doesn’t shine and we do shine, we will start leading people astray. Because its about the God in us.

The Greek words for shine is Lampo meaning shine like a torch. The word torch has been used so many times throughout history, even when they show men in a cave, they have a lit torch so they can see their way through the darkness. If you are light, then people can see the path that leads to righteousness through you. Let your light so shine. So you are that torch that will guide people to Christ. Now, the word torch is more often used in England, because they call a flashlight a torch. So we represent the flame of God. Its an awesome thing to be a representation of something that you believe in; that you love. If you love somebody, and you say, I’m coming in the name of the one I love, Jesus. In the natural sense you are always proud to represent your significant other. But think about it, how do you shine? Do you shine with that representation or are you shining of something else like mess or your burdens?

You’ve seen people loaded down, carrying the weight and burden of someone else. Then they come and say “Let me pray for you.” Then you should say “That’s ok, I prayed last night.” You don’t want them to lay hands on you. You don’t what them to pray for you because whatever is on them will transfer onto you. The Bible says lay hands on no man suddenly. If you are praying for someone on the other hand, you don’t pray for what they want, because you don’t know what they want. They may be going through, so don’t pray that they come out of it or that God delivers them from it because you know why? God wants them to go through, because you don’t know their life what they’ve been through, you don’t know what they need to go through so they can get through! So you pray that the Will of God will be done in their lives. When you aren’t around them you don’t know what they’re doing. People do mess, and try to get you to pray for them so their mess can go forward. Oh no! Its called validation of prayer. They need you to quantify what they’re doing. That is why the Bible says lay hands on no man suddenly. I will pray true enough, I will pray for you, and your family. You don’t have to pray out loud. The scribes and pharisees did it all the time. No, you pray “I pray the Will of God in your life.” They look at you like “but why aren’t you praying for my benefit?” The best way to help someone who is going through is to stand back and pray from a far. You get up on them and touch them and whatever is on them you may you go through. You lay hands on them, and then others on others, and then we’re all jacked up. How bright is your bulb? Could some of the things we’re going through be because of who we’ve been with? How bright is your bulb? You’re looking kind of dim.

A light designates some place of shelter or desire to be at. So when you are a light you are showing detail of everything. In the dark you can’t describe anybody. In the light you can tell what is what. For example, when you come to a crossing in a road, there are lights up there. What are the major colors? Red, green and yellow. We know what those mean. Stop, go and slow down. Some of you see a green light, that means to go as fast as you can, and yellow is go faster so you can beat the yellow light. When you come to a railroad crossing and the gate goes down, and the lights are flashing what do you do? Its not for you the snake through the gates and try to go through. It means stop and wait for the train to come. We have to pay attention because we know that those things are there for us to be cautious.

Can you use a black bulb to get through the dark? There are black bulbs, that are ultraviolet, but you can’t look in the dark. Can you look in the dark with a black bulb? No. You need something bright to light your path. The blind can’t lead the blind. You don’t know anything about anything but you’ll try to tell me how. Understand this, we can’t come to conclusions in our lives that we want to follow the correct path and the thing that illuminates in our hearts and minds we need to follow because it looks bright to us. Not every light leads to the right destination. If you wear the light of Christ, when you’re going through is your light bright? No. How can it be? Its just like a flash light. How many walk around the house at night with a weak flash light? Do you still use it? No because its dim. Associate that with your Christian walk. Now the world can see when there are things that are on you, and you want to pray for whom? You don’t want someone coming to you with a weak light, and you don’t want your light to be weak. What happens to a remote with a weak battery? How long does it take you to realize your bulb and battery are low? That means you’re not charged up by the Holy Ghost. “I’m strong, I understand, I have Christ in me. He’s all I need,” you say. Is He really all you need? If He is, then why is your battery so weak? How did it get that way? You got that mindset that “I’m going to ‘Jesus’ until I drop.” Then you go to Him and say Jesus why am I like this? He’ll say “Did you take a look at your battery?” But you say “Lord, You are the supercharge of batteries.” He’ll say “But didn’t I tell you to rest?” Jesus even got away from the crowd to pray, in one piece, not in bits and pieces. We don’t understand that our batteries need to be recharged as a Child of God because if you don’t you get the wrong information. How bright is your bulb? Just like the old scary movie. Someone walks in with a torch, and the wind is blowing, and just before it goes out something strange passes your way, and then the torch blows out.

People will drain you until there is nothing left but a spark and then there are those who try to take the spark! People plug into you and their meter goes up, but then your meter goes down. Then they get mad at you when you don’t have enough juice to power them up. Then they ask what’s wrong with you? Your bulb doesn’t look very bright. Well because you drained me! 10 wise and 10 foolish brides in Matthew 10, the 10 foolish immediately asked, can I used your battery back up!? And the wise said, well you could have bought one of these, just go down to the store and buy one. Well you have enough to give me some the foolish said. You saw that your meter was low, how is that going to help you?

When your fishing around to look for power, and you don’t get on your knees and plug it in the wall, if you’re there just the drain something and don’t recharge it back. Its just like the person who doesn’t understand the Word of God and goes out and tries to get a quick word and tries to explain it to someone else based on their skewed understanding. How bright is your bulb? Are you exuding Christ or exuding you? People who don’t have a clue and don’t have the light in them will always want to be around those that do, but they are like leeches.

You know what leeches do? Suck the blood out of you, because there is life in the blood, and they won’t let go until they are full. So we have spiritual leeches who don’t know anything about Christians and don’t have a clue about what a christian really is. They don’t know about humility, long suffering, but they know about complaining and whining. They don’t know the Word, but they look to you. They go to you for the word, prayer, and everything, because they can’t go for themselves. Can you get a letter through to Christ, my phone is being blocked. Why does a person get blocked? Because they don’t want to hear from you. Folks will use that to drain you, they’ll go to other people to hear from you because they can’t hear from you. Spiritual leeches need someone to latch onto to get to where they need to get to. They look for life in something because they’re dead, and can’t communicate with the One who give us power. I can’t get the Holy Ghost, but I know its in you and I know what it looks like. You are carrying Duracell, not those dollar store batteries that last long enough for you to get the product home and then go out. When everything else dies, Duracell endures. When everything else fails the Holy Ghost endures. People know that. That is why people mimic the Holy Ghost, they mimic tounges, because they want people to see that they have power, because as a Christina you can’t walk without power. I need to tap into that power. Even though you mimic and look the part, everyone can see that your bulb isn’t even bright, but its off. You have to be aware of these spiritual leeches.

To keep your energy up and the Holy Ghost up inside you, you need to take time in prayer. Those quick fixes “Jesus give me strength, you know and understand me. Amen.” How would you like if someone you love just said I love you and then quickly leaves? You wouldn’t, so does Christ want that? Now, where is quality time you spend with Christ? On the go? On the TV? Online? Why? Don’t have to give an offering. I can get the Word for free because I’m one of those spiritual leeches. How can you hear if you don’t have a preacher and how can he hear unless he’s been sent?

How many have battery back ups? Your battery back up should be your Bible. How many have phones? You are the phone. Getting on your knees makes the connection. Everything you need to live according to holiness and godliness is the Bible. Is the anointing enough in your life that you can hear from God and activate in God? Or do you have to go get one of those generators to activate in God? Picture this, all Christians are trying to get started in the morning, and you look over the horizon and see them all trying to crank a generator? The whole point is let your light so shine, the Holy Ghost shine. How can it shine if you haven’t feed it lately? Can your car get somewhere if it has no gas? No. So if you don’t have the anointing and Holy Ghost in your life, you can’t go anywhere. You may sound good and look good, that car may be beautiful and nice looking, but will it go anywhere? There may be some gorgeous and fine looking saints, who look presentable, but they aren’t going anywhere. Have you ever gone to a church and left there more depleted than when you came in? No power left in the house. The problem is we’re always trying to leech and latch onto others, when we should get it for ourselves. Maintain your bulb by being around people who will fill you up, not those who will drain you.


Matthew 25:1-12

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.


The Lord may need to take something away from you, to break something in your life, because He needs to lead you, because you aren’t listening to Him. So He has to break things in your life that you thought were secure. When God is getting ready to do something awesome in your life, watch how many old people and situations Satan throws up in your life again. Stay away from people that steal your light and your life. Make sure you stay around people who will encourage and inspire you; people who are blessed, who really genuinely care about you. Not people who are validated by your presence. You need to get away from them, because they can’t stand on their own 2 feet, and don’t look back. They are leeches in your life and when they drain your for themselves, they don’t care about you. Its time to let go. If they are draining you, they don’t love or care about you. The Lord said in the last days it would be husband against wife, sister against brother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law; I know you love them and care about them, but love them from a far, let them go. Its either the Lord or you. The Lord doesn’t drain you so let the other person go. Remember the Bible tells us to love one another. The people of God are your friends but you still have to love them, because you have the same goals in mind, and that is to be with the Lord, and we get there being of one mind, conversation and thought. Support each other, love each other, and care about each other.

Don’t Let Another Man’s Burden Become Your Test

People have a way of uploading to you their mess. We’ve been allowing people to download mess back and jack us up. The burden of them, what they’re going through becomes our test. Allowing people to put weights upon your life, and then wanting you to deal with it. They dump and dump. Some of us make good dumping grounds. If I dump usually its off of me. But now my burden becomes your test. We have our own to deal with. So if you have some dumping to do, don’t dump it on me. I don’t want the mess you’re in to become my mess. Burden, loads, responsibilities…When you grab a hold of something from someone else, it becomes your responsibility. I don’t want someone else cross to become my burden.

Burden: Greek word is baros meaning load, abundance, authority, weight. Anything pressing on one physical thing.

I understand what you’re going through, but when you take someone else burden it makes a demand on one’s life, spirit, resources, time…most people don’t realize that. When you look at a test. What is a test? Everyone has been to school. When you take a test its a critical examination and evaluation of ones trial. How many have done an evaluation on yourself? Did you find yourself wanting? Lacking? The point is…how often do we admit our failures to ourselves? I have come to the conclusion its a daily battle to exist and a daily war to walk upright before God. Daily. The Bible tells us no one knows what tomorrow will bring. One day you’ll be all together, with inspiration of wisdom, and you think wow, I must be going somewhere. Then the next day, you are miserable and think everyone hates you. The point is that one moment we’re this way, another moment were that way, but we don’t even realize there is a day-to-day life we lead, and live walk and breath. You cannot fix things that moment. You cannot fix things that day or hour or month. Even the world can’t fix problems because it’s not them who are fixers, they are causers.

How many have ever had an evil thought? Think about it, so the negativity in the air is also because of what you thought and did. So, this world is the way it is because of us. We have allowed another man or woman’s burden to become ours and we’ve spread that disease like never before. People use the term, “I hate your guts.” No one’s ever seen your guts, how would you hate someone you’ve never had a gut to gut relationship with? You walk away feeling proud, and then when you walk away you say “why did I say that.” Now you’ve taken over someones problem. Have you ever thought about why you hate an individual? Because it didn’t meet a personal need or physical awareness, because they kept you from being fulfilled by a thing. So you traded your love for hate. How could you love one moment and hate the next? Sometimes we don’t even have to say we hate, we just live a life of hate toward that individual. How many are carrying others burdens right now? How many are in a test today? Did you create that test?

When you look at a test scenario, evaluation of yourself, a lot of times we get mad at a person because it’s expressing who we are. We’ve painted a picture of us being something different, but the truth comes out of what we really are. When our mind has told us that we are what we made ourselves out to be, then we get mad at the person calling us out. Then we inspire others to see our point of view. When we set a trap for ourselves, the Lord tells us to love everyone. But Lord I can’t love someone who treated me bad, talked about me, stabbed me in the back, called me names…sometimes we’ll reap things we’ve done from a long time ago… thought we got away with it, when the Lord says He has a time for us. Then we don’t understand and say “Lord why me? I’m the one that loves You.” As you define love and relationship in your life, what are the elements you use to define love?

How many forgive people? The sort of prayer that says “Lord I forgive them for what they’ve done and what they’re doing.” When you allow the hardship and burden of someone else to become your difficult state, then they become a detriment to yourself. You may not have said it out loud, but you may have acted like it. Its like this…you speak things into existence. Out of your mouth you condementh yourself. And that is just after you sang “I could sing of your love forever.” When you come into the house of God, I don’t want you to leave the same way you came. Most come jacked up, broken, confused, and then whats next? Did I speak about trials earlier…if you didn’t get it right the first time…you’re going to repeat it. And it doesn’t come on a time schedule. It comes when you are doing everything you like under the sun. Weigh it before you say it. Before things come out your mouth out of hatred, anger, lust, even love, make sure you weigh it against the heart and mind of God. Don’t say anything out your mouth that hasn’t been checked. The words that come out of your mouth vibrate. Everything has a vibration to it and it is stored in objects. If you take the test of someone else upon yourself when no one asks you to, then if they get an F, you get an F. Don’t get mad when the result is not positive toward you. Don’t get upset and say “Lord that wasn’t my test it was their test.” The Lord will look at you and say “were you in agreement with them or did you entertain it?” Your test is your test. So if someone is in a test, say I don’t want your test. Your test is a mess. If you aren’t able to bear it, or go through your own personal test, how will you bear it? Another man’s burden will not be mine.

Galatians 6:1-18

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.For every man shall bear his own burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

Don’t call someone out of their name, or say you hate their guts or say you can’t stand them. “Galatians 6:5 For every man shall bear his own burden.” “Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” When it says this, it doesn’t mean bear another persons sin. Your walk is your walk. If I see another person going through, I will help, but I won’t bear it. How do you help? By praying that God’s will be done in his life, not to grab it and try to work a will, but to pray that God’s will be done. So if you take on another persons burden in another way other than prayer, it becomes your test, and it’s not what God has given you. Now, you’re bearing another’s burden through prayer because its your brother/sister, don’t get involved. We get sick, they get well and we’re still sick. Don’t hold onto some else’s burden because if they go down hill, so will you.

Jonah was given a command to go to Nineva to preach to the heathen man. The Lord said that if he preached to them, they would repent. He instead took his burden to a great fish. He said swallow me! If you do then I don’t have to say what He has to do. You’d rather be swallowed by a big fish than to do what the Lord told you to do, then you deserve everything coming to you. But the Lord didn’t let that happen. So the fish spat him out. He made a 2 weeks journey in 2 days, and did what God told him. When someone is disobedient to God, don’t be around them, run. When a grenade goes off, does it make distinctions about whom it will blow up? No it blows up everything. So if God is after someone because of their disobedience and you are associated with them, you will take the burden too. Rather you should pray that God deals with them, that God delivers them from themselves.

Why do we go through for someone else’s mess? I want to go through my own trials, because its something I didn’t get right. I don’t want you to go through for me because I won’t get the point. I won’t get it if I don’t go through because the Lord takes us through to make us, not to break us. You can’t go through what another person goes through because God is dealing with them individually. You have to realize you help people better by allowing God to take them through. God is trying to let us know He wants to make us.