Tag Archives: miracles

Mark 1

The Gospels aren’t just stories for you to read, but blueprints for you to follow. The Gospel of Mark has its own flavor that leads us into the understanding of the Son of God, Jesus the Anointed, promised Messiah.

Mark gives us a picture of the servant-hood of Jesus, doing the acts that were destined for Him from His Father who sent Him.

Throughout this first chapter, we see characteristics of what a servant should be, the importance of being obedient to God, the significance of walking in the authority of the One who sent you. A servant loves their master and the masters wish is their command although in a true and healthy master to servant relationship, the servant has free will.

The Wonderful News

Mark doesn’t start his gospel off with a lengthy introduction but rather goes straight to the heart of what Jesus came to do: bring salvation. This is the wonderful news about Jesus! Mark speaks immediately of John the Baptist who was prophesied to come by Isaiah. John was dressed very simply. He didn’t look like “a prophet,” dressed in the prestigious garb of the day. We can’t determine if someone is qualified by the way they look, and those who came to him to be baptized didn’t judge him as such, but listened with intention to his message and repented of their sins.

The Baptism and Testing of Jesus

Jesus was baptized by John, although not to remove sins, as He was sinless, but as a testament to the death of the flesh, to rely completely on the “Spirit-dove,” that fell upon Him. The Spirit compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness to fast for 40 days to be tested by Satan and He was met by wild beasts but Angels attended to Him. Its a reminder that we will endure trials just as the Son of God did. As soon as we get on the right path to God, Satan rears his head. Yet, God will surround us, even with angelic activity, to protect us.

Satan thought that the Son of God, perceived as a mere human, could easily have been tempted by human, fleshly weaknesses. The desperation of hunger and the desire for power Satan thought he could tempt Jesus on, but Jesus overcame by the Word of God.

Jesus Calls Four Fishermen to Follow Him

Jesus, immediately after His testing, went and taught about the Gospel in the region of Galilee, preaching repentance as access to the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught with authority. Think of a subject you’ve heard taught by two different people. One may have compelled you in a different way the other teacher did not, simply because of the authority and authenticity they carried.

Jesus also immediately called His disciples, Andrew, Simon, James and John. Immediately, they left their fishing endeavors and followed Jesus. How amazing that Jesus, unknown to them, by His very presence and authority would compel these perfect strangers to follow Him.

Jesus Casts out a Demon

Jesus authority was apparent when He taught. His words held such authority that as he spoke, unclean spirits within people listening to Him manifested in fear! It is sad because those who were suppose to fear Him didn’t, but those who you wouldn’t think to fear Him actually do. Jesus simply and shortly silenced these demons. There was no yelling or tarrying when He cast the demons out. They came out quickly. The people were astonished and instead of embracing this truth from Jesus, they constantly questioned it. They didn’t realize to what degree of a false reality they lived in.

Jesus Heals Many

Jesus healing Simon’s mother was very simple. He just touched her and she was healed. His fame spread because of His miracles, casting out demons and healing others. We need to see Jesus and take tips from Him. He was tempted, tried by Satan, over came, and was ministering to others with simple faith in His identity.

Jesus values the secret place of prayer with His Father, for he went away before the sun was even up to be alone. Jesus is always going against the grain of societal norms, having touched an untouchable leper. He had great compassion on his condition that He physically touched him to heal him. Jesus was discreet by telling the leaper not to tell anyone, but His ministry was nothing but discreet because many people flocked around Him.

Sickness is a part of the human condition which entered into our humanity because of the curse of sin. Jesus has come to break the curse of sin by healing everyone who was sick and oppressed by demons.

Jesus preached and healed and performed miracles in tandem. He didn’t do one without the other.


  1. The Holy Ghost will lead through the wilderness
  2. Preach and heal wherever you go
  3. Jesus is the blueprint
  4. Let Christ rewrite your life
  5. The light in you will uncover darkness
  6. Be alone with God in prayer
  7. Always be available to be used by God
  8. Walk in Holy Ghost authority
  9. Know where to get your healing
  10. Holy Ghost in you will always profess the truth
  11. Key characteristics of a servant
  12. Importance of obedience to God
  13. Walk in the authority you’ve been given
  14. Jesus as supreme authority over all things
  15. Apostleship and servant-hood go hand in hand
  16. Servitude carries not attitude
  17. Follow Christ without delay
  18. Servants must have compassion

Matthew Chapter 15

In this chapter we see Jesus isn’t afraid to call others on things that hinder their sanctification in God, even if it is a tradition. We also see Jesus perform signs of healing and other miracles.

Jesus Breaks Religious Traditions Verses 1-20

Jesus makes known to the prominent religious groups of His time that their traditions have impeded their hearts from growing in what He says is true undefilement; Hearts that don’t have evil thoughts of murder, adulteries, fornication, theft, lying and slander are those that remain undefiled. Anyone will know what truly is in your heart by the words you speak.

A Canaanite Woman’s Faith Verses 21-28

Jesus makes it clear to the Canaanite woman that He wasn’t sent but to the lost sheep of Israel, but her faith in Him moved Jesus heart to grant her request to heal her demonized daughter.

Jesus Heals Others Verses 29-31

Jesus heals those mute, blind, deformed, and lame, and for three 3 days the crowd who experienced and saw these miracles stayed with Jesus and praised God for these wonderful works.

Jesus Feeds Thousands Verses 32-39

Jesus had such compassion on this crowd of people who had been with him for that length of time and had nothing to eat, that he decided to miraculously provide for them with only seven loaves of bread and a few fish. 4000 people were fed with 7 baskets of extra food left over!


Here is what we learned from these amazing stories in chapter 15 of the Gospel of Matthew:

1.Talk and walk Christ (verse 8)
2. Speak the truth no matter what (verse 12)
3. Have Unwavering Faith (verse 28)
4. Stay rooted in Christ (verses 13-14)
5. Feed your heart the right things (verses 18-19)
6. Judge not the outer before meeting the inner. (verses 1-2)
7. Let not tradition determine your salvation. (verses 3-7)
8. Never Forget Jesus’ Abilities (verses 30-38)

Understanding Spiritual Gifts Part 2

This week we will continue our study on “Understanding Spiritual Gifts.” We will move on with the 9 Charismatic Gifts.


9 Valuable Gifts in helping to accomplish the work of the ministry. These gifts aren’t to be used for you personally, but to be used to profit the entire body of Christ. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal” (1 Corinthians 12:7).


  1. Word of Wisdom – 1 Corinthians 12:8 “ For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom…”  Wisdom is defined as the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgement as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. The Word of Wisdom is in the Word of God. Some people have this knowledge given to them via the Spirit. There was a man named Johnny James, who was working on a ladder, slipped and fell, and had an impact on his head. When he came too, he was able to recite verbatim the scriptures with just the mention of a chapter and verse. He is called “the walking Bible.” His story can be found on youtube.
  2. Word of Knowledge – 1 Corinthians 12:8 “to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit…” This gift is one which gives the recipient a supernaturally inspired utterance of facts.
  3. Faith – 1 Corinthians 12:9 “…To another faith by the same Spirit…” Faith is complete trust in God. Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:1 further describes what faith is: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The recipient of this gift is given a supernatural impartation of assurance in God.
  4. Gift of Healing – 1 Corinthians 12:9 “…to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit…” This gift is definitely needed for the ministry. The laying on of hands is an awesome thing to have in your life and people recover from their sickness. We don’t see this gift very often in the Church. God has given this gift to people who can handle it;  who will operate to glorify God and not themselves. Its for the edification of the body. The recipient of this gift supernaturally ministers health to the sick.
  5. Working of Miracles – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “…To another the working of miracles…” The Greek describes it as “works of power” and implies instantaneous results. Raising people from the dead, bringing peace into a violent situation; these are the workings of miracles. The word miracle is defined as an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. God has given you divine intervention to do things for people by the Word of God. To allow God to step in to heal, deliver, or speak into a life and things happen, it is awesome. Again it is not for your personal fame or edification, but for the Body of Christ. Its all about doing His will, to bring others to Christ.
  6. Prophecy – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “… to another prophecy…” 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 says despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Prophecy is defined as the foretelling or prediction of what is to come. Many will “proph-e-lie,” but there aren’t many who prophecy. When a person does prophecy, they are spiritually prononucing or imparting something from God. A true prophecy is known by its coming to pass.
  7. Discerning of Spirits – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “…to another discerning of spirits…” Discerning is defined as revealing insight and understanding. When you deserning something, it is very important. You can tell what will happen to someone, or what spirit is on a person or when a spirit comes into the house that is of God or not, or further whether someone teaches the Word of God or not.
  8. Different Kinds of Tongues – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “…to another divers kinds of tongues…” The utterance in an unknown language which is interpreted as a prophecy to the body for their edification. This is distinguished from praying in tongues which is to edify ones self 1 Cor 14:14. The message of tongues to the Body of Christ is always to be interpreted by another gift. It is limited to three within a gathering 1 Cor 14:27.
  9. Interpretation of Tongues – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “..to another the interpretation of tongues…” This is the supernatural interpretation of a message in tongues into the understandable language of the hearers. It is not a “translation” but an interpretation.

Next week, we will talk about the applications of these 9 valuable gifts.