Tag Archives: No More Sheets

Do You Just like to Repeat or Do you Need to be Set Free, Part 1

How many times did you fall for the same type of man or woman and saw it coming? Wait for it. They say I love you you go…wait for it…wait for it….and then boom after you say it and you’re locked and you’re back to the same problem you had in your previous relationship. You start seeing the same type of girl or guy. Then you start saying the same things over again: “That man or that woman is no good, there is no good in them.” Were they really or is it just you? Being locked back in the same things of the past recurring in your mind and life. Lets go a little deeper.

When Jesus said forgive your brother, forgive your sister…and you asked Him why? You asked God why. Our hearts fall immediately back to what they’ve done to us. So now, there’s a time going on. Now you have frozen time to take time out to go back in the past of an event that happened years ago, bringing it from the past to the present. You stopped God working on you so you can take Him back to the past, so He could see what was bothering you…what was said that was bothering you. You put God on pause, and take Him back, so that we can do what? Reminisce, complain; when Jesus said just to forgive your brother. Could it be something else more than what they did that you are latching to that your are reminiscing over? Could it be something that is in you; something that has locked itself in you that you cannot get over? Is it that little thing that sits in the corner of your mind that tells you, “They owe you…until they fix that little thing, I cannot see anything.” You can’t get over that past. You must remember, those who continue to live in their past it will become your future.

People are doing the exact same things over and over again falling for the same statement, phrase an action over and over again. Could it be a generational curse, or could it be that you don’t know how to let go? “Well I’m like this because it was my momma, it was my daddy. I treat you the way I treat you because they did not treat me right. Its your fault that I’m smacking this person to death.” But its not their fault. Its the sin in me that makes me do the things in me, its the sin in me. They don’t understand that the God in you wouldn’t make you do what you do to your sister, mother, friend, father….its not the God in you, its the sin in you. Do you like to repeat? We always get upset with ourselves, some of us like to abuse ourselves because we can’t get over us, not remembering that we’re stronger than the thing, smarter than the thing, not remembering that it was things that happened in the past. Now our past has become our future. That is why we fall for the same old antics and statements, gimmicks and movements over and over again, because the first time it happened we didn’t get it straight and forgive ourselves.

Do you know why its so important for a woman to wait until she gets married before sleeping with anyone? When she does, what’s in her, she shares her soul. It’s when you have relations when he injects inside of you a seed of life, your body responds with an egg. Every egg that comes out of your body needs to be fertilized, and given an identity. So its in there floating around looking for “who shall I be?” When God places a soul in that body, that soul becomes a living breathing creature that exists because of the Will of God, not man. So that woman begins to nurture that seed that has been given to her by that man. A woman’s egg is just like a chicken’s egg which has no life. Once that one little sperm gets inside of the egg, it locks the door, turning the egg into a hard shell that the sperm inside has the only key to. That woman is to keep herself wholly until God has sent her a man. It’s he who finds himself a wife finds a good thing. But the wife has be ready to receive the identity. You don’t go shooting your junk everywhere, hoping that it lands somewhere. You don’t shoot your seed at anything, because you’ll get what you ask for. A man putting his identity out is like putting your seal of who you are on just anything. Young men think that because they can flip it out and flip it right, that makes you a man. No, that makes you stupid. Every woman’s womb is not for every man. That is telling me that my sperm is sacred. Your egg is sacred.

Men are told in the back of their minds that’s what you do, you put your seed in anything. As a man’s seed enters the egg, it releases life and that more abundantly, releases identity, becoming a DNA increaser, forming life; an identity. At that moment that woman’s body becomes that man’s body. She can’t live without him. She might not say it, but she shows it. That man is not sealed, a man puts it out, a woman receives it. She changes chemically to receive it. He doesn’t have any connection to her chemically, but she has connection to him chemically. That is why some women can never get along with any other man except the one that…no matter how he treated her. The man has no chemical connection, just a physical one, that is why its so easy for him to release freely with another woman. He’s selling himself for free, not realizing that he’s giving his identity away to something he has no connection with. She feels that he loves her enough to release his seed inside of her, and to be bound to her. If he’s not bound to you mentally, he’s not bound to you physically. That is why when a man lies with a woman he’s not planning on being with, he will rarely look her in the eye or kiss her, but do everything below the neckline. The gateway to the soul is the eyes, that is why he does not look at her. He wants to release his seed for a moment of pleasure, for a feeling, she releases herself for a connection. That is why she takes it hard when he walks out the door. Its serious.

That is the reason that we can’t do what the Lord wants us to because we have holes inside of us. The Lord wants you fully, so when He releases the Holy Ghost inside of you, it changes…just as though that man who releases inside of you created in you an identity, Christ is trying to create an identity in you of Him. This is the problem. We repeat the things we do in life with relationship because we have not yet come into the understanding that we’re more than conquers. A woman’s body and eggs are all precious even though they have not life. You have an egg that stays warm and moist and ready. When you go through your cycle, it goes “ain’t no good.” During your cycle, you spew unwanted eggs and are tossed away. When a man does not ejaculate, his body absorbs the life back inside, he keeps it. A man does not have a cycle, because he keeps his identity.

Most men are not aware that they bring life to the relationship. That is why a woman can’t have a relationship with another woman, because she does not bring life. Its like rubbing two eggs together; do you get another egg? No. A man is not even aware of the authority and power in his loins. It’s about releasing in you a woman who is an incubator, a provider of the eggs. When her body chemically changes, before a woman has sexual intercourse with a man her body smells like roses. After she has been intimate with that man, his chemicals are mixing with his chemicals. And now she does not smell like a beautiful bouquet of roses. That is why they do foreplay, to try to get her to accept whatever he is try to do. Her body says he is chemically like this. It is the same way when God releases the Holy Ghost inside of you. It changes you. Satan can’t get in anymore like he use to. So Satan says he has to find another way in. The Lord has changed the combination, I can’t get in. Let me go back in the past, when you use to love this, so Satan goes “Let me do this…” So he brings people from your past that your bound by, and they come into your life straight forward saying “Do you remember what we use to do?” To insight in you a feeling, and you go back to that moment when that situation happened. Satan can’t get in to you like he use to, so he wants you to repeat; he doesn’t want you to be free. So you prepare yourself to receive what he has for you. Isn’t this what we do with God? Jesus has everything that we need. But we can’t get with Jesus because we keep comparing what He has to what Satan is doing. We can’t build a good relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus because we still concern with what Satan did to us, enjoy it, bask in it. But the Lord says be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.


Romans 7:20-25

Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.


What is it saying? Do you like to repeat or do you want to be free? What are generational curses? What we just read. You know my sister Barbra, she does the same things. She’ll listen to the guy, and then she’ll sleep with him after 2 minutes. After you’ve slept with so many of them, you’ll never get the one who is for you because all the rest of them have put so many codes on your butt, that nobody can get in. The right one has to break the 1st code, the next code, and so on. The hardest one you have to break is the 1st one.

Juanita Bynum wrote a book called “No More Sheets.” She said she had so many men back and forth in her bed, she didn’t know whether she was coming or going. If the guy that comes after you who really loves you is not a locksmith, he won’t get anything, but the remnants of all those other guys, not the real you. You’ll say, “he doesn’t understand me,” no because you’re locked up. Why is it so important that you don’t randomly sleep with guys? Because they can lock your soul up so much that you can’t even reach Christ. Jesus doesn’t care if you’ve had 100 guys, if you ask “Lord make me whole again,” He will make you fresh and clean to have the right person. He flushes all that mess out of you, and now your head is straight. When you see a guy you might fall in love with, he’ll look at your differently and say “she is fresh.” When you get together, it will be like the very first time. The point is, He will make you new again. While you are in your new state, look upon Me I am your husband now, I’m your friend, confidant and companion. When someone is good enough to get My girl, I’ll release her to him because I already know that she is fresh, and she has the Holy Ghost who is leading and guiding her. For a woman if the inside is not clean, ain’t nothing gonna happen down below in the oven. Satan knows that. That is because he goes after the woman on the inside, mentally, and on the outside physically with men.


Matthew 15:11

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.


There is nothing goes into a womb-man that defiles her, it’s what comes out of the womb-man that defiles her. Because out of the mouth flows the abundance of the heart. So if I eat cucumbers and candies and oranges and grapes and bananas, that won’t defile me. It is whatever I put into my soul that will defile me. So when that man has slept with you and placed part of his soul in you, its going to come out of your mouth. Women if you haven’t known a man, don’t. If you’ve known a man and God has made you new, don’t go back again. God will send you a man. I don’t care how the urges come, don’t put yourself in that situation to cause an urge. Make sure you fall in love with Jesus first before you get into a relationship. God wants us to understand that once He has you, and allows you to keep you, He won’t let anyone come into your life again who will destroy your physiology and lock everyone else out, except those demons that locked themselves in. Wait on the Lord. If you wait on Him, when He gives you that person, it won’t be buttercups and lollipops all the time, you will have stormy days. That is because two are trying to become one. So you ride the storm. We just have to understand that we must not worry about when he is coming but worry how God is going to meet us next.

It’s an awesome thing to wait. The Lord never forgets. Otherwise you’re bound to repeat over and over again.