Tag Archives: pre-school

Caught in the Indecision of Circumstance

Why do we set ourselves up for failure, knowing that if we follow the same steps or patterns as last time, we’re going to get the very same results? Are we gluttons for abuse and pain or do we just like being in a mess? Is there something lacking or missing in our lives, as a Child of Jesus Christ (Yahweh)? I believe that being on the cusp of our life in this world, not of this would, not willing to let go of what this world has to offer in its ways of short term gratification, for surface desires, has brought us to a dilemma in our growth and understanding concerning who we are as a people of the One and only true God of the Bible. In some cases for instance, in our society we’re taught to go to the higher learning institutions so that we can gain a better understanding of the world around us. Yet while you’re there, you’re professors are teaching their philosophy on what they have been through by someone else, with a little of their life experience thrown in. So we accept their teaching without question, because we don’t know the answer ourselves. So as we where taught, we begin to mimic our professors, even reciting some of the same stories and situations he or she expressed. We do this with such fervor as though our professors were actually there reciting their words as though they were our own words, and repudiating anyone that begged to disagree.

We express it as though we’re the authority as our professor did with us while we were in school. Don’t ask a question on something in our field. Our chest pumps up, the hands go up and the gestures ensue, and we mimic what our professors taught us. Why? I ask again WHY do we accept their understanding as though it were from God? I say to them who don’t know much of anything: a little understanding of something has added more to your knowledge and understanding of anything. The little knowledge you’ve gain from them has made you puff up with knowledge, because you have something someone else doesn’t have. That is why doctors have that God complex. They go to school 8-12 years plus, then they do residency. We tend to see that they’ve spent their life in a profession for years and they are knowledgeable in their field. To the hearer who doesn’t know what those huge words are, they’re amazed. They have a god complex because they can diagnose what is going on with you, and you trust their word unconditionally. Just like your professor, whose words you accepted without questions. Why do we get caught up with indecision and mess, plus confusion in most areas of this life?

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

2 Peter 1:3-4

We stand in the mist of a mess, having a decision of whether or not to step out of the mess. “What am I going to do? Should I stay in the mess?” He has given you the knowledge and understanding that you’re in a mess. If you’re a child and you just messed on yourself, and its all around your feet, what do you do? You cry out to Mom, dragging the mess along with you. Isn’t that what we do? We’re in a mess and drag it all along with us where were we go, instead of stepping out of it and wiping it off. Realize this, if you didn’t get the understanding of something earlier in your life, it will pop up later, in some way or fashion. That is why the Word of God says in all thy getting get and understanding, because if you don’t you’ll experience a situation in your life you never would have experienced had you gotten corrected from the beginning. In every situation they didn’t have someone to tell them which direction to go, and so they choose whatever their heart lead them to. The professor tells you something that you don’t know about, which you don’t question because you just don’t know! So the little kids don’t know what is right and wrong. That’s is why it takes a parent who has their head on straight to correct those things in their life earlier on before it effects them later on. So if you don’t answer the questions when little children have them, later on you’ll see the results of it. When they get older they began to act out what is was wrong, having not had a pure source of understanding when they were younger. Then we are the people who were suppose to know better say “that’s sins, that’s sin!” Where were you when they were going through, and had questions about life? Were you pushing them away? They were asking you a life question, because it would determine what their life would be afterwards. Have you ever asked someone a life question but didn’t get the answer you wanted? Its amazing to me that everyone wants to have children, but don’t want to properly raise them. The Word of God tells us clearly, train up a child in the way he or she should go so when they get older, they won’t depart. If you don’t correct it in the beginning, they’ll get results later on. That is why we have so many problems with kids today. Kids think its a style to sag, or roll one pant leg up; this is all prison behaviour, and not a style, but a statement. Do you realize most things we do in our life today are based on statements? As we walk into it people associate us with that statement and everything connected to it. No one ever told you better. The Bible tells us very clearly, when I was a child I acted like a child, talked like a child, operated like a child, but when I became a woman or man, by the choices of what someone told me, I began to act like a man or act like a woman. Someone’s signal got twisted, and they are living that life of homosexuality or lesbianism. It didn’t just come on them. Something happened in your life earlier on that caused you to make that decision based on someone else’s principles. Just as you heard from the professor his principles and take at face value his teaching, because you paid money to sit in his class.

You’re whole life is based on theories from other people. First of all you go to grade school. What is the important thing of grade school? Its how to interact with other students, different than you. Kindergarten is for one thing: to know that there are other little people like you, so its ok to be you. So why do we go to high school? So that we can build relationships and interact with people like us, knowing how to build our personalities; to mold you into something you weren’t before. Tagging on to when you were into grade school, tagging on to kindergarten. So what are college and university for? Global. To teach you how to exist in a global environment with people of different nationalities and tongues, to be able to work with them. So when you go to school, your professors tell you how to get along with people who are not like you. Learning a particular subject in school is immaterial. You can become the greatest of your profession, but if you have no people skills, you are worth zero. School has a 4 point system to help introduce you to an environment that you were not use to, so your life can exist among other human beings like you. David said I once was young, and now I’m old, but there is one thing I can say. I’ve never seen the people of God going hungry nor their children begging on the side of the street. What does that tell you? Someone got some teaching and training other than by our normal school system. The Word of God is to be listened to, put into your mind, to get an understanding, and operate there in your life through it. We are so studious and concerned about our professors and classes, making sure nothing gets in the way of us getting to them on time. We’ve paid money and know we need the credit hours from that class, right? Yet when God tries to get our attention, He says He’s given us the knowledge and understanding about everything; its right at your finger tips. What is it? Your phone, your tablet which has the Word of God on it. How we long for things and pay attention to things that are not good for our lives to the point that Christ fades out of our lives. When you were in the professors class, you heard every word he said, even when he got on your nerves, taking it as though he were the authority of God. We gave our professors the utmost attention. Do you not know that today in the house of God, your paying to listen to me? You don’t have a dime to give, but your paying with your life. Its a free enrollment. You can take notes, and get all the data about how to live according to life and Godliness, and its free! Do you know what undivided attention is? Just like the professor in school, you’re getting what God wants you to have. Be about Gods business, not yours. If we could only follow God’s word like we have for our professors in life we would have a totally different walk in this world.

The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.

John 20:25

But we’ll take the word of a professor and listen to everything without questioning it. But you’re fellow Saint in the church who has an upstanding background, a disciple of Christ, working with you, you won’t believe. “Until I can put my hand in His side.” We do that sometimes. We miss out on things that God has for our lives because we need to “get it first.” We miss things in our lives because it has to come to us personally. Where would your life be if you’d not walked out on faith then? God is not with us as a fleshly being, but He has said in His Word to do this, do that and this to go back to the Kingdom. Some of us today say they can’t believe it because….”I wasn’t there.” This has been us as the Children of God.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Matthew 6:24-25

Some of us will cry out “Lord I can’t pay my bill, Lord I don’t have enough.” He says one things to us, you but need to ask and it shall be given. Don’t struggle, ask. Whatever God has for you its waiting on you. The way you get it is through you. You need to clean up who you are so God can bless you. But you complain that sister so and so or brother so and so has this, and you’ve been in the Church for so long, why don’t you have it too? What happened to the stage where you just fall on your knees and say “Father I love You, I appreciate You for everything You’ve done for me, and if you don’t do anything else for me You’ve done enough for me. I’m not asking for anything, I just want to give You glory, for you deserve it.”