Tag Archives: relationship with God

Abused Woman Syndrome

What is a syndrome? If you look at the understanding, and what it brings about…complication of the mind and heart. In other words, you situation in your life has taken over your mind first of all, and then it begins to exhibit its self within your body. Whether it is in health, eating habits, sleeping habits or whatever. But it will exhibit itself in your body as well.

If perchance you are a Child of God and you are hearing this, know that it also will manifest itself in your walk with God. Because of the nature of the incident or situation that has transpired in your life, you take it to heart; we think it doesn’t affect us. We say “I’m affected a little bit.” But we will not own up to the amount effect is taking place, and it is usually a great deal. But we try to so called surfacely say that its not. But its when we get in those quiet moments alone that we begin to scream out, holler out, cry and the we being to point fingers at ourselves and we begin to say why did I do this what did I do…what did I do. You’ve got to realized that as a Child of God its not what you did, its what the enemy has done to you. When you allow the enemy’s tactics to dewell in your heart and mind then you allow the enemy’s mindset to become a part of your mindset, you will reap the fruit’s of that thought pattern.

As of late I’ve been getting a lot of individuals, females, who are going through situations in their lives. It’s not as though its exclusive to females, its also with males, I have been getting a lot of contact and comments from females. I feel that satan what’s to stop or check the last hope that he has in the Church and world, and that is by attacking women on a regular basis. The reason why I’m saying that is because, he basically has a lot of men caught up in the mind set of PMS: Power, Money and Sex. So one of the last things that he needs to do is to disrupt the flow of the Church and world is to go after the weaker sex. They say the praying mother’s of the Church who help and directed the young we, they say well, if you’ve got a good man or a good woman, he wants to go after them. So to totally disrupt the flow of God in House of God, he will go after the women in the church. Whether its by looking for a man which they shouldn’t be, or whether through their husbands who aren’t in the Church, or causing them to get involved with a mate or potential mate who isn’t in the Church. Ladies, before I continue on let me say this, if you are a child of God, calling yourself to be a woman of God, you should not be looking for at mate. In the book of Proverb 18:22, it’s saids Whoso findeth a wife, not a man or a husband finds a good thing. You should allow God to find your mate. You should not be out there on the hunt or the search nor on the dating scene. What you see is not what your going to get. And by all means, the bible says not to be unequally yoked.

2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

If you are a Woman of God, in the House of God, you should not be dating but courting one man period. You should not be, especially dating men in the world. When the Word of God says unequally yoked, it’s like  when you want to pray, he wants to party, when you want to go Church, he wants to go to the bar, when you want to have family time, he wants to go out and be with his friends. Everything you want to do of the Lord, he/she is totally against that flow or mindset.

Having said all that, understand this, Satan is sifting us like wheat. Satan wants to destroy you, not abruptly, but slow your progress, delay your move in God, your communication with God; he wants to cause disruption in your walk. If he can cause disruption in your walk with God, you will not be where you should be at the right time, so God can use you and or bless you. You will not hear your call in God, nor understand your call in God because Satan come to kill, steal, and destroy. I don’t mean physically all the time, but destroy your mind, destroy your worship, destroy your physical time, destroy your communication with your loved ones or husband, to take your life in control to make you do what he wants you to do, to disrupt the move of God. As you allow satan to use the vices that you are weak in, whether it be men, whether it be food, whether it be clothing, whether it be lifestyle or whether it be the cares of the life, whether it be your children, whether it be desires, Satan will use all those avenues to deter you from your walk, from your talk, and from your mission in God to do the will of God. So, as you allow yourself, if you are a true woman of God, if you will allow God to order you steps, to take and make your steps sure, then you won’t fall, you won’t go out of balance, or to your left or right. There is a powerful man of God who is out there who can’t achieve his full potential in Christ unless he’s got that full potential woman in Christ at his side. The Bible has a particular structure that He set from the beginning. He said there is the man who blessings flow through, there is the woman, then there is the family. So the structure of God is, man is the head, the woman, and then the family. Satan’s structure is woman’s the head, man is the subordinate, and the family is 3rd. If you notice in our society today, everything is depicted as woman this woman this, even the Statue of Liberty, which is also know as the Statute of Isis is a woman in the harbor of New York. Satan wants to esteem the woman higher than man. That is the reason why he spoke to Eve. He didn’t speak to Adam, he spoke to Eve, pronouncing and restructuring what God had always set in place, man first. He knew that if he could convince the woman, he’s got her because she is the weaker vessel. She has three things that work for her that make her susceptible to the will of Satan. 1) Emotions 2)The desire of love of someone 3) Family. Those 3 things Satan has used against women throughout all history whether Biblical or natural, because those things he can control. As of late, he has thrown another one in, namely  power or control of a situation. That is a form of witchcraft and a lot of women operate in that unaware.

Having said that, the whole structure of how Satan wants to defeat you. First of all, a woman should never look for a mate. The word of God explains it very clearly.

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. Proverbs 18:22

Not she who finds herself a husband finds a good thing. You all have been looking for a good thing, and you can’t find a good thing because that is only found by God for you. Because what you will find is what Satan wants you to have that will deter, destroy and corrupt your life and your walk with God. Some say, “Pastor, well I can’t wait! I need to have a man, I’ve got to have a man.” It is amazing to me a woman can carry a baby for 9 months. She isn’t trying to cut it out and get it out of her. But you can’t wait for God’s will to be perfected in your life when looking for a mate? Some of you don’t even need a mate. Some of you just need a personal relationship with God, because having a mate will take you away from the will of God in your life. Also, it will cause you to lose focus in your walk with God. For those woman whom God will assign to have a mate, He will bring that mate to you.

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. Proverbs 18:22

If your mind is so caught up on looking for one, or other things instead of looking for God, you will never find him. Looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces, and the song writer writes. What should a woman do, in the times of burning? The word of God says very simple:

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3.

“Well I don’t want to read the Bible every time I get hot, I can’t read, I can’t focus.” There are a lot of time where you will have to change your location, change your surroundings, because it you don’t it will cause you to want to fulfill that fleshly lust, especially for the young women who are out there. The older women should be a little more mature. I think above all things the older women should teach the young woman how to be wives (Timothy 2:3). They aren’t doing that today. A lot of the focus of the young women is to do what they want to do; to look for a man. If you teach them how to be a woman of God, and I don’t mean how to be a mother Theresa or to preach and teach, I mean how to be sober, how to have peace in their minds and hearts, knowing that God is going to fulfill their desires that are good for them. Not all the time are our desires what God wants for us. We think that what we want, God wants for us; not really. We have to really understand that our purpose in asking God, is His will for our lives. So when we ask God, we should be asking for patience so that we may be able to operate in Him with patience, and run that race, saying “Lord prepare me for the husband that is for me.” I don’t want anybody to steal my good thing, because I didn’t know how to receive it or wait for it. A lot of things that come upon us in relationship with God that we can’t do is because we have our own agenda. We only came to God because we found out that He’ll answer what we want. He is not a genie in a bottle, neither is he a box of good gift givings for you. You can’t just rub the side of your Bible and say in Jesus Name and its so. That is not how He works.

While you are getting yourself right in Him, while you are temperate and while you are gaining longsuffering, and while you are working toward being sober, while you are working toward being clear of heart and mind, while you are working toward having faith and patience, and while you are building up your true holy faith in Him, He will be preparing your husband for you. If you can’t wait for Him to do that, then maybe you don’t need one. A lot of women don’t realize that what causes the stress and hardship is moving in your own time, and not in Gods. What do you mean by that, well, when you try to set up your own time schedule for your life for what you want to achieve, you can’t see what tomorrow holds, God can. You don’t know the heart of the individuals that are around you, God does. You do not know what God’s will is for your life as of yet because you are looking to do things in your own time. Its good to have goals, but your goals should be based upon, “God what is good for me?” You should be asking our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, “What can I do to prepare me for that good thing that you have for me?

The Children of Israel cried for years being held captive in Israel saying “we want the messiah, we want to be delivered from our stress, oh Lord deliver us from our oppressors.” During that time they were in Egypt, a lot of them took on the mindsets, habits and traditions of worship of other gods such as Anubis, Isis, Osiris; all these different gods. Even though they said when will we be delivered, the point of the fact is when God brought forth a deliver he wasn’t received. They were looking for the deliver to come with an army and wipe out all of the Egyptians and take them back and free them from their situation. When they got free by God’s powerful, merciful hand through his servant Moses; on the journey home, they couldn’t leave Egypt behind them. Some of you all can’t leave the mess of the world behind you. You hold on to that same mess and you bring it right over into your point of getting to Jordan, not realizing that that mindset you had before you came into Christ, has to be gone. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philipians 2:5). Some of us are still holding Egypt in our hearts and minds; the times when we went out to have a good time and party; we can not let that go because those felt good. But they only felt good from a fleshly state. Some of us can’t let go of anger; do this to me and I’ll do that to you. Some of the things we’re experiencing today in our lives, stem from the mindset we had before we knew Christ. Getting back to the Children of Israel, after being on the way journey to Jordan, and as you’re on your walk in Christ to get to where He desires you to be, your going to find hickups and problems along the way. Same thing with the Children of Israel, they had battles and fights that they had to deal with along the way. Even when their leader Moses had fallen along the way, the Children of Israel were still to continue to go and make it to Mt. Sini, that is the point of deliverance where Christ is in their life. The same way with you and your walk, trying to make it, to the end, and in the process of doing that, you get to where there is a wall, and that wall is that memory of the past, how you use to act, live and be. The Children of Israel got to a mountain where they’d gotten tired along their journey, complaining they didn’t have enough food and water. We complain to the Lord that we don’t have enough time for Him, or time to do this or that. The Lord says wait we’ll get to that point, you just be obedient to My will, deterring not right or left. The Children of Israel continued on, when they got to the mountain of God and saw the presence of God around them. When they got to that aspect of their life, they were waiting for instructions from God, and while the man of God was there to wait and go and receive instruction, the people had a simple task to do: just wait on God, Hallelujah. In your walk, when you get to the point where you don’t think you can go anywhere, you feel that this is where God wants you, then you need to wait on God. In the process of waiting, Satan is not going to stop what he is doing, what he has been doing to your life all along, persuading, messing you up jacking your spirit all up. He is going to bring the right one along to you, the one whom you think may be right, he will bring up situations right there in your life, and the Lord says wait on Me. He is going to come, though he tarry, He will be there. The Children of Israel could not wait; as soon as the Man of God left their presence, the man who led them from Egypt, they did what came natural to them. Their past became their present. They began to act like they were in Egypt, even though they were free from Egypt. That is the problem we see in the Church today. Many folk get freed from their Egypt in their life, but they don’t know they’re free. When they’re in the presence of being free, they begin to wonder back to their thought when they were in bondage. That is what they desire because that is all they knew, even though they cried to be free. So when they got free, and were in the wilderness, they didn’t have anything to do in their mind. They saw all the great miracles, parting the Red Sea, Moses and the rock gushing with water, the battles they won, but they went back to what they knew in their flesh. This is what we do as the Men and Women of God, we go back and say we know what this situation is about what that situation is about because we have images and pictures of it, thought patterns, I like that emotional feeling. So we long for those things.Satan will bring back that emotion and that physical feeling in your body. Next thing you know you’re performing those things that you did before you knew Christ, and you get swallowed up in it. What happened to the wait on God moment? God had to be put on the back burner because now I’m experiencing who I am, what I am and what I want to do. So now what takes place in your life is an abrupt stop in the walk and growth in Christ. Now you have been captivated by the sins of the past. If you don’t let the sins of the past disappear from your past, they will become your future. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). How do you get a renewed mind? …whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report (Philippians 4:8) think on these things in the Name of Jesus, and not in your flesh. These are the problems that we, who are called the people of God, the Body of God, the love of God, all these things, everything, these are the people who could not wait.

End of part 1

God is not an Option

Joshua 24:15

People in Church and the world think that believing in God or giving His son Jesus true worship is an option. When we look at those iconic words Joshua said in 24:15 “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Now, when Joshua made that statement, he was making one in the face of the world you might say because we still read this today. We are still hearing his declaration to the whole world about whom he believed in without a doubt. He detached himself from the world around him, including the people whom he led across Jordan.

People in the world say that to believe in God is an option. I can have faith in Him or not have faith in Him, I can believe in Him or not believe in Him; I don’t have to because He isn’t really real anyhow. If He turns out to be true, then He is God. He is understanding, plus He’s faithful. He understands my heart, “He understands what I’m going through; He will take me into heaven still. He knows that I really love Him, even when I didn’t believe in Him.” People will defend their beliefs. People will be quick to say God is not real, but when the evidence came out that the places the Children of Isreal traveled were found, people said “I have the right to believe what I want  to believe.” God says yes you do have the right. However know this, your life is an opinion but God is not.

Hebrews 11:6

But with out faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

How can anyone please God when they don’t know Him? If you didn’t believe in Him.  How all of a sudden can you say you love Him, if you’ve not had a relationship with Him. Some might say “I kind of figured He was true; I kind of knew He was always in my heart.” Jesus said in John 20:29 “…blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” The whole point is, we have to realize that God was never false, He’s always been real. You need to search the scriptures to find Him. So having the faith that God is, and that He is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him, you have to realize that whether you believe in Him or not, He is real. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord God.

Most people want an option. “If God turns out to be real, then I’ll worship Him, I’ll believe Him, and He’ll understand me and I will go back with Him. It is not that easy. You can’t go back with someone who does not know you. If there were several babies in one room with all their mothers, and one of the babies cries out, are all the mothers going to go to that child? No, only the mother which belongs to that child; that mother who knows the cry of her child. That is the same way with those in the world, who have no relationship with God, yet try to cry out to Him. Will He hear the cry of those who are His or those who aren’t His? Only those who are His. He won’t touch something that is not His. He will not hear the cry of a sinner to help them continue in sin, unless their cry is to deliver them from this life of sin. He reins on the just and the unjust, Matt. 5:45. He loves all  of his creation, but if He does not know you personally, then who are you calling on and you don’t believe in Yeshua (Jesus) Messiah (Christ), then again, I ask you who are you calling on for help? The false gods of this world which are demons and evil spirits.  But if you don’t believe in the real and true God then who hears you pray,  if your life is linked to this world system and philosophy which is totally against the words of God and His son Jesus (Yeshua)?

You’ve got to know who you serve. People think they have options. We’ve been given options so much in our lives, we don’t even recognize that options were started by the devil. It happened during the time of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Option A: don’t eat of the tree and be obedient to God. Option B: eat of the tree and you’ll be like God. We are taught to look for options. With God, there are no options. Either you live with Him in the Kingdom to come forever or you die in the World in sin, and can look forward to live forever in Hell. God does not give options. It is the choices we make that determine our end.

Rev 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Many people are going with option B. They will flip the script when they find out God is real.” He is ever loving, ever faithful and will accept me so I can get in”. That is not the way it’s done. You have to have a relationship with Him. This life is the training ground for living with God forever in heaven. If you can’t do what is right down here, how will you do it in heaven? God does not give options, Satan does!

1 Kings 18:21

And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

We need to understand that this is our preparation for going to heaven. How can you do what you want to do, not listen to God, and think you’ll go back with God. How can you live lavishly in this world, doing drugs, drinking, crimes etc, and at the last minute finally decided to believe in Jesus when He appears? While you are allowed to see another day, let that time be spent trying to find out who He is now. Build a relationship with Him.

God does not want us to rely on options. He wants you to have life, but you can choose either life or death.