Lovers of this World 2 Timothy 3:1-14 – those who want to maximize their own pleasures through means readily available and attainable by their surroundings.
Self-centered Individuals Ecclesiastes 2:1-16 – Everything is about the advancement of self. No one who’s self-centered is ever happy. When you reach the point where no one looks at you or talks to you anymore, you get hurt.
Untapped Young Minds – One who hasn’t been breached by the idea of subjugation; One who lives in isolation, is sheltered from or has not been exposed to society so as not to know things that are common to society.
The Downtrodden & Poor 1 Corinthians 13:11- A vulnerable group of people who don’t have the basic necessities of everyday life such as shelter, food, or clothing, who can be taken advantage of due to their social status, who have the potential of being exploited.
Uneducated – Limited in obtaining a profession that could assist in making your way of living more comfortable, convenient or otherwise aid in helping rise above what is socially standard.